Вікінгі (Памяці Куортана) [vol.01-30] (2018) торрент скачать
![Вікінгі (Памяці Куортана) [vol.01-30] 2018 торрентом](/uploads/posts/2018-09/1536463891_0f23710d8a30a9733b1de74e830eedd6.jpg)
- В оригинале: Вікінгі (Памяці Куортана) [vol.01-30]
- Исполнитель: VA
- Год выпуска: 2018
- Формат/Кодек: MP3
- Битрейт аудио: 320 Kbps
- Звучание: 210:45
- Загрузок: 894
- Информация:
Средняя оценка: 5
проголосовало: 1
Скачать торрент Вікінгі (Памяці Куортана) [vol.01-30] (2018)
01. Коррозия Металла - В шторме викинг и меч.mp3 (8.05 Mb)
02. Ария - Викинг.mp3 (7.44 Mb)
03. Bathory - Valhalla.mp3 (10.87 Mb)
04. Amon Amarth - Bleed For Ancient Gods.mp3 (12.48 Mb)
05. Manowar - Gates Of Valhalla .mp3 (12.02 Mb)
06. Ancient Rites - Victory Or Valhalla .mp3 (11.95 Mb)
07. Einherjer - Odin Owns Ye All.mp3 (12.62 Mb)
08. Enslaved - The Sleeping Gods .mp3 (15.27 Mb)
09. The Horde - Odin's Blood .mp3 (11.89 Mb)
10. Talamyus - Remembering the Gods.mp3 (5.46 Mb)
11. Odinfist - Odinfist .mp3 (17.01 Mb)
12. Ensiferum - Battle Song .mp3 (6.59 Mb)
13. Falkenbach - Walhall .mp3 (14.69 Mb)
14. Turisas - Battle Metal .mp3 (12.17 Mb)
15. Butterfly Temple - Волки Одина .mp3 (14.01 Mb)
16. Nomans Land - In the Odin's Fest .mp3 (11.28 Mb)
17. Северные Врата - Ария варяжского гостя.mp3 (9.82 Mb)
18. Almighty Apostles - Way Of Odin's To War.mp3 (5.37 Mb)
19. Bloodshed Walhalla - The Battle Will Never .mp3 (15.4 Mb)
20. Eye of Odin - Eye of Odin .mp3 (14.93 Mb)
21. Icethrone - See You In Valhall I.mp3 (8.3 Mb)
22. Odenwrath - Ode to Wrath.mp3 (13.27 Mb)
23. Vikingore - Forgotten By The Gods .mp3 (9.76 Mb)
24. Forostar - The Might of Odin .mp3 (11.74 Mb)
25. Ulvedharr - Odin Father Never Die.mp3 (6.23 Mb)
26. Bane of Isildur - The Gates of Valhalla.mp3 (14.55 Mb)
27. Imperial Dusk - Gates Of Valhalla .mp3 (11.11 Mb)
28. Strydegor - The Night The Vikings Arrive.mp3 (9.99 Mb)
29. Judas Priest - Halls Of Valhalla.mp3 (15.91 Mb)
30. Einherjer - Nord & Ner.mp3 (15.56 Mb)
31. Wulfgar - Brothers Of War (Into Valhalla They Ride).mp3 (8.94 Mb)
32. Strydegor - Oden's Wrath .mp3 (10.75 Mb)
33. Волколак - Волки Одина.mp3 (7.18 Mb)
34. Battlelore - Men As Wolves.mp3 (10.47 Mb)
35. Norden - Golden Gates Of Valhalla.mp3 (19.24 Mb)
36. Rape & Plunder - Pukając do Walhalli bram.mp3 (8.44 Mb)
37. Graveland - Bitwa wilków Wotana.mp3 (21.79 Mb)
38. Fangorn - Shield And Sword.mp3 (17.12 Mb)
39. Black Messiah - Old Gods.mp3 (23.47 Mb)
40. Einherjer - Ballad Of The Swords.mp3 (13.51 Mb)
41. Frostmoon - Vikingmakt.mp3 (7.65 Mb)
42. Helheim - Odins Moy.mp3 (8.27 Mb)
43. Hrossharsgrani - Preparing For Battle.mp3 (8.02 Mb)
44. Manegarm - Pagan war.mp3 (10.84 Mb)
45. Nachtfalke - Vikingdance.mp3 (5.23 Mb)
46. Slechtvalk - Thunder Of War.mp3 (11.38 Mb)
47. Ultima Thule - Vikings.mp3 (4.19 Mb)
48. Solstafir - I Viking.mp3 (14.53 Mb)
49. Spectral - Rising Chaos (Ragnarok).mp3 (16.27 Mb)
50. Thrudvangar - Odins Jungfern.mp3 (10.12 Mb)
51. Voice Of Midnight - Сказ о суровых норманнах.mp3 (7.77 Mb)
52. Vintersorg - Norrland.mp3 (12.13 Mb)
53. Svartsot - Pа Odden af hans hedenske Svaerd.mp3 (13 Mb)
54. Midgaard - Песнь Викингов.mp3 (10.81 Mb)
55. Heidevolk - Walhalla Wacht.mp3 (11.71 Mb)
56. Glittertind - Viking era.mp3 (7.93 Mb)
57. Folkearth - In Odin's Court.mp3 (9.68 Mb)
58. Vinterriket - Walhall.mp3 (15.04 Mb)
59. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - And Rapes Of The Viking's.mp3 (4.41 Mb)
60. Menhir - Walhalla.mp3 (16.96 Mb)
61. Herjalf - Northern Wind.mp3 (10.75 Mb)
62. Graveland - Die For Freedom.mp3 (26.75 Mb)
63. Thrudvangar - Piraten des Nordens.mp3 (11.91 Mb)
64. Hugin Munin - Die For Odin.mp3 (9.38 Mb)
65. Fall Of Eden - Valhalla.mp3 (7.97 Mb)
66. Last Legion - Wolves of Winter.mp3 (14.69 Mb)
67. Vice Lords of Valhalla - Thor.mp3 (9.07 Mb)
68. No Remorse No Retreat - Victory or Valhalla.mp3 (8.35 Mb)
69. Burzum - Havamal (Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson Sings Words Of Odin).mp3 (30.27 Mb)
70. Kreator - Gods Of Violence.mp3 (13.56 Mb)
Default.txt (2.52 Kb)
image.jpg (2.13 Mb)
01. Ария - Викинг (Live).mp3 (14.86 Mb)
02. Boroff Band - В шторме викинг и меч (Live) .mp3 (20.4 Mb)
03. Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods.mp3 (22.69 Mb)
04. Amon Amarth - The Way Of Vikings .mp3 (21.75 Mb)
05. Manowar - Valhalla .mp3 (10.66 Mb)
06. Ancient Rites - Gotterdammerung (Twilight Of The Gods).mp3 (20.19 Mb)
07. Manowar - Swords In The Wind.mp3 (17.05 Mb)
08. Falkenbach - Walhall.mp3 (22.44 Mb)
09. Enslaved - Allfar Odinn.mp3 (27.84 Mb)
10. The Horde - War God.mp3 (24.38 Mb)
11. Talamyus - Pride of A Viking.mp3 (17.32 Mb)
12. Odinfist - We Are Gods.mp3 (26.28 Mb)
13. Ensiferum - Treacherous Gods.mp3 (16.96 Mb)
14. Butterfly Temple - Песнь войны.mp3 (22.93 Mb)
15. Nomans Land - Valhalla Calls.mp3 (17.92 Mb)
16. Северные врата - Последний бой.mp3 (15.84 Mb)
17. Almighty Apostles - Vengeance In Name Of God.mp3 (16.03 Mb)
18. Bloodshed Walhalla - The Storm.mp3 (18.97 Mb)
19. Eye of Odin - Odin's Chosen.mp3 (21.53 Mb)
20. Icethrone - From The Sea.mp3 (17.72 Mb)
21. Odenwrath - The Call of the Viking Rage.mp3 (17.41 Mb)
22. Forostar - In A Time of Blood and Fire.mp3 (21.2 Mb)
23. Ulvedharr - War Is In The Eyes Of Berserker.mp3 (14.56 Mb)
24. Bane Of Isildur - The War Of Gods And Men.mp3 (21.08 Mb)
25. Imperial Dusk - Rider's Of Viking's.mp3 (16.87 Mb)
26. Strydegor - Ragnarok.mp3 (23 Mb)
27. Coils of the Serpent - Thunder From Valhalla.mp3 (23.11 Mb)
28. Wulfgar - This Pagan Blood.mp3 (17.69 Mb)
29. Folkearth - The Silent Warrior.mp3 (18.57 Mb)
30. Волколак - Храбрый викинг.mp3 (17.92 Mb)
31. Battlelore - We Are The Legions.mp3 (18.97 Mb)
32. Norden - Oden.mp3 (23.95 Mb)
33. Rape & Plunder - For Odin.mp3 (16.52 Mb)
34. Forgotten Land - The Ragnarok.mp3 (18.38 Mb)
35. Fangorn - Forgotten Hero.mp3 (17.54 Mb)
36. Black Messiah - Pagan Winter.mp3 (24.97 Mb)
37. Einherjer - Dragons Of The North.mp3 (19.56 Mb)
38. Frostmoon - Attack of the Northern Frostwinds.mp3 (16.14 Mb)
39. Helheim - God Of Slander.mp3 (17.69 Mb)
40. Hrossarsgrani - Ragnarok.mp3 (13.19 Mb)
41. Nachtfalke - Ode to the Fallen One.mp3 (24.42 Mb)
42. Slechtvalk - On The Eve Of Battle.mp3 (26.96 Mb)
43. Nachtfalke - Praise The War.mp3 (16.4 Mb)
44. Solstafir - Til Valhallar.mp3 (19.98 Mb)
45. Spectral - Dawn Of Gods (Ragnarok II).mp3 (23.22 Mb)
46. Thrudvangar - Walhall.mp3 (21.32 Mb)
47. Voice of Midnight - Рэгнар и Хельга.mp3 (20.63 Mb)
48. Vintersorg - Odemarkens Son.mp3 (21.97 Mb)
49. Midgaard - Битва.mp3 (20.32 Mb)
50. Glittertind - Into the Fire.mp3 (17.75 Mb)
51. Folkearth - Storm Ravens Come.mp3 (19.87 Mb)
52. Elexorien - Rising of the storm.mp3 (18.02 Mb)
53. Last Legion - War Upon the Celestial Kingdoms.mp3 (23.38 Mb)
54. Hin Onde - Paganheart.mp3 (19.15 Mb)
55. Herjalf - Wilczy Krol.mp3 (17.21 Mb)
56. Graveland - Battle Of Wotan's Wolves.mp3 (29.72 Mb)
57. Alestorm - Wolves of the Sea.mp3 (14.77 Mb)
58. Nachtfalke - Vikingdance (Under the Flag of Odin's Son).mp3 (13.05 Mb)
59. Einherjer - Leve Vikingeaanden.mp3 (13.53 Mb)
60. Fall Of Eden - Battle Of The Gods.mp3 (30.53 Mb)
61. No Remorse No Retreat - Fight or die.mp3 (15.16 Mb)
62. Hugin Munin - Viking Brothers.mp3 (16.41 Mb)
63. Folkearth - The Anvil Of Storms.mp3 (18.78 Mb)
64. Ad Mortis Nostrae - Valhalla.mp3 (15.37 Mb)
65. Ultima Thule - Schottis Pa Valhall.mp3 (12.87 Mb)
66. Burzum - Gullaldr (Golden Age).mp3 (33.39 Mb)
67. Moonsorrow - Sankaritarina.mp3 (28.85 Mb)
68. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - Viking's Horn (Regnar Return's).mp3 (14.02 Mb)
69. Sovengar - Battle of Asgard.mp3 (21.34 Mb)
70. Kreator - Awakening Of The Gods.mp3 (26.4 Mb)
Default.txt (2.57 Kb)
image.jpg (9.87 Mb)
01. Crystal Of Carpat - Викинги.mp3 (16.22 Mb)
02. Boroff Band - В шторме викинг и меч .mp3 (7.18 Mb)
03. Blind Guardian - Valhalla.mp3 (14.19 Mb)
04. Bathory - Gods Of Thunder Of Wind and Of Rain.mp3 (8.05 Mb)
05. Amon Amarth - The Pursuit Of Vikings.mp3 (13.15 Mb)
06. Manowar - Overture To Odin.mp3 (11.28 Mb)
07. Odinfist - Ragnarok.mp3 (13.65 Mb)
08. Talamyus - God of War.mp3 (14.68 Mb)
09. Viking Skull - Drink.mp3 (12.65 Mb)
10. Ensiferum - Sword Chant.mp3 (13.7 Mb)
11. Butterfly Temple - Vikingtid.mp3 (7.66 Mb)
12. Nomans Land - Voice Of Battle.mp3 (12.4 Mb)
13. Ancient Rites - North Sea.mp3 (17.71 Mb)
14. Almighty Apostles - My Northern Blad.mp3 (7.32 Mb)
15. Bloodshed Walhalla - My Sword Again for You.mp3 (16.42 Mb)
16. Icethrone - See You In Valhall.mp3 (11.1 Mb)
17. Odenwrath - Viking Metal March.mp3 (11.73 Mb)
18. Ulvedharr - Onward To Valhalla.mp3 (7.41 Mb)
19. Imperial Dusk - Viking Cruzade.mp3 (8.78 Mb)
20. Strydegor - Oden's Wrath.mp3 (11.46 Mb)
21. Sovengar - Fight or Die.mp3 (11.6 Mb)
22. Wulfgar - Kneel To The Hammer Of Thor.mp3 (11.2 Mb)
23. Sleipnir - Farewell (To A Fallen Brother).mp3 (30.9 Mb)
24. Волколак - Варяжская.mp3 (8.6 Mb)
25. Battlelore - Storm Of The Blades.mp3 (10.52 Mb)
26. Norden - Ragnarok (Part I).mp3 (11.5 Mb)
27. Rape & Plunder - Wykucie Miecza Gromu.mp3 (9.23 Mb)
28. Sovengar - Thor's Legacy.mp3 (12.96 Mb)
29. Fangorn - Sword Of Discord (The First Sword).mp3 (12.26 Mb)
30. Black Messiah - Vor Den Torren Valhalls.mp3 (17.43 Mb)
31. Einherjer - Dreamstorm.mp3 (17.66 Mb)
32. Helheim - Northern Forces.mp3 (12.62 Mb)
33. Nachtfalke - War in Asgard.mp3 (14.03 Mb)
34. Slechtvalk - Hounds Of Battle.mp3 (12.18 Mb)
35. Nachtfalke - Hail The Old Gods.mp3 (6.53 Mb)
36. Spectral - Army Of Odin.mp3 (15.78 Mb)
37. Thrudvangar - Thor.mp3 (10.83 Mb)
38. Glittertind - Sonner Av Norge.mp3 (9.4 Mb)
39. Folkearth - By The Sword Of My Father.mp3 (15.3 Mb)
40. Falkenbach - Walhall.mp3 (15.4 Mb)
41. Folkearth - Defying the Storm.mp3 (12.15 Mb)
42. Hin Onde - Songs Of Battle.mp3 (8.44 Mb)
43. Graveland - Blood Of Christians On My Sword.mp3 (21.37 Mb)
44. Mjod - Песнь Войны.mp3 (11.93 Mb)
45. Tyr - Northern Gate.mp3 (9.31 Mb)
46. Graveland - Raise The Swords.mp3 (19.61 Mb)
47. The Horde - With Death (Comes The Horde).mp3 (17.09 Mb)
48. No Remorse No Retreat - This means war.mp3 (9.35 Mb)
49. Hugin Munin - God Of War.mp3 (8.39 Mb)
50. Fall Of Oden - Till Valhall.mp3 (13.13 Mb)
51. Ultima Thule - Da Svallar Vart Vikingablod.mp3 (5.9 Mb)
52. Burzum - Heiðr.mp3 (9.61 Mb)
53. Son of the Northstar - Man of Iron.mp3 (8.49 Mb)
54. Sovengar - Call to the Battle.mp3 (12.67 Mb)
55. Skalmold - Valholl.mp3 (11.46 Mb)
56. Sleipnir - Hail The Heathen Hordes Of Midgard (Sworn To The Hammer Of Thor).mp3 (22.18 Mb)
57. Ragnarok - Pagan Land.mp3 (7.71 Mb)
58. Nomans Land - Sons Of The Nord.mp3 (15.31 Mb)
59. Gammadion - Road to Valhalla.mp3 (11.8 Mb)
60. Einher - Odyn Patronem Naszych Walk.mp3 (8.38 Mb)
61. Невидь - Победа.mp3 (40.47 Mb)
62. Северные Врата - На Войну.mp3 (11.52 Mb)
63. Holdaar - Man Of Iron.mp3 (9.56 Mb)
64. Говерла - Памяти Квортона.mp3 (19.68 Mb)
65. Реанимация - Вальхалла.mp3 (14.27 Mb)
66. Battleroar - Swordbrothers.mp3 (12.52 Mb)
67. Tyr - God of War.mp3 (9.41 Mb)
68. Skilfingar - Viking at the Chambers.mp3 (8.25 Mb)
69. Wandersword - Доблестный Викинг.mp3 (14.23 Mb)
70. Asareidi - Что за викинг без походов.mp3 (8.67 Mb)
Default.txt (4.94 Kb)
image.jpg (2.83 Mb)
01. Nomans Land - Warrior's Path.mp3 (12.21 Mb)
02. Bathory - Odens Ride Over Nordland.mp3 (6.04 Mb)
03. Amon Amarth - War Of The Gods.mp3 (6.09 Mb)
04. Коррозия Металла - Языческие Боги.mp3 (7.04 Mb)
05. Manowar - The Blood Of Odin.mp3 (10.97 Mb)
06. Enslaved - Ethica Odini.mp3 (20.2 Mb)
07. Ensiferum - Into Battle.mp3 (15.37 Mb)
08. Varang Nord - Рагнарок.mp3 (11.87 Mb)
09. Viking - Valhalla.mp3 (9.11 Mb)
10. Graveland - Powstaniemy ponownie.mp3 (25.07 Mb)
11. Bloodshed Walhalla - Son of the war.mp3 (11.15 Mb)
12. Odenwrath - Armies of Undead Retribution.mp3 (14.47 Mb)
13. Imperial Dusk - The Final Battle.mp3 (10.07 Mb)
14. Strydegor - The Way To Valhall.mp3 (11.5 Mb)
15. Northern Mass - For Those Who Have Died.mp3 (9.3 Mb)
16. Wulfgar - On A Battlefield In Midgard I Will Die.mp3 (9.06 Mb)
17. Folkvang - The Day of Ragnarok.mp3 (18.56 Mb)
18. Волколак - Славен героев путь в Вальхаллу.mp3 (8.84 Mb)
19. Battlelore - The War Of Wrath.mp3 (10.91 Mb)
20. Hedninger - Prelude to Battle.mp3 (14.25 Mb)
21. Rape & Plunder - Brave From The North.mp3 (7.63 Mb)
22. The Flight of Sleipnir - Birchfire.mp3 (13.67 Mb)
23. Fangorn - Stormbringer.mp3 (9.85 Mb)
24. Black Messiah - The Battle Of Asgaard.mp3 (18.34 Mb)
25. Einherjer - Storms Of The Elder.mp3 (20.02 Mb)
26. Nachtfalke - Valhall.mp3 (9.18 Mb)
27. Slechtvalk - On The Eve Of Battle.mp3 (19.01 Mb)
28. Spectral - Black Viking Power.mp3 (11.3 Mb)
29. Glittertind - Nordmannen.mp3 (7.04 Mb)
30. Folkearth - Return To Walehalle.mp3 (12.68 Mb)
31. Asmegin - Valgalder.mp3 (8.66 Mb)
32. Folkearth - Viking's Anthem.mp3 (10.66 Mb)
33. Graveland - Thousand Swords.mp3 (16.85 Mb)
34. Crom - Hammer of the Gods.mp3 (14.32 Mb)
35. Graveland - Return To The Northern Carpathian.mp3 (10 Mb)
36. Talamyus - In War, in Death.mp3 (7.01 Mb)
37. The Horde - Into War We Ride.mp3 (12.68 Mb)
38. No Remorse No Retreat - Heroes never die.mp3 (6.52 Mb)
39. Hugin Mugin - Odins Blacwinged Messengers.mp3 (6.33 Mb)
40. Fall Of Oden - Envied By the Gods.mp3 (15.41 Mb)
41. Ultima Thule - Vinklingar Och Svek .mp3 (6.84 Mb)
42. Burzum - Era.mp3 (10.89 Mb)
43. Moonsorrow - Jumalten Kaupunki Incl.mp3 (26.44 Mb)
44. Krauka - Viking Folk.mp3 (6.82 Mb)
45. Immortal - Battles In The North.mp3 (7.7 Mb)
46. Ragnarok - Ragnarok.mp3 (11.36 Mb)
47. Невидь - Слава побед на века!.mp3 (13.03 Mb)
48. Северные врата - Последний бой .mp3 (7.89 Mb)
49. Holdaar - Сумерки Богов.mp3 (11.28 Mb)
50. Сатанакозёл - Шторм.mp3 (16.05 Mb)
51. Реанимация - Проклятье Богов.mp3 (14.63 Mb)
52. Battleroar - Mourning Sword.mp3 (9.02 Mb)
53. Tyr - Ragnarok.mp3 (10.89 Mb)
54. Skilfingar - War with the Waves.mp3 (7.74 Mb)
55. Draugul - From The Barren Wastelands Of Ragnarok.mp3 (27.62 Mb)
56. Feskarn - Raise Your Swords.mp3 (12.39 Mb)
57. Crystal Of Carpat - Патриот.mp3 (14.79 Mb)
58. Nordverg - Перед Последним Боем.mp3 (6.26 Mb)
59. Pagan Hammer - The Rotting Battlefield.mp3 (13.12 Mb)
60. Wandersword - След чужих кораблей .mp3 (10.39 Mb)
61. Asareidi - Бьются волны о борт.mp3 (7.14 Mb)
62. Midgaard - Песнь Викингов.mp3 (10.6 Mb)
63. Strydegor - The Night the Vikings arrive .mp3 (9.88 Mb)
64. The Flight of Sleipnir - Four Winters .mp3 (17.12 Mb)
65. Pagan Hammer - A Fallen Warrior.mp3 (8.36 Mb)
66. Black Sabbath - Valhalla.mp3 (8.31 Mb)
67. Orion - Последний викинг.mp3 (11.77 Mb)
68. Виконт - Сердце викинга.mp3 (19.92 Mb)
69. Mjоd - Напиток Огнебородого Аса.mp3 (10.94 Mb)
70. Сокира Перуна - Road To Valhalla .mp3 (4.34 Mb)
Default.txt (5.03 Kb)
image.jpg (1.92 Mb)
01. Northern Mass - Ragnarok (The Beginning) .mp3 (11.53 Mb)
02. Amon amarth - Gods of war arise.mp3 (14.5 Mb)
03. Manowar - Sons Of Odin.mp3 (16.91 Mb)
04. Коррозия Металла - Раскаты Грома.mp3 (10.34 Mb)
05. Ensiferum - White Storm.mp3 (9.05 Mb)
06. Bathory - Born To Die.mp3 (5.9 Mb)
07. Butterfly Temple - путь из варяг в греки.mp3 (5.95 Mb)
08. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - Eric Is Rescued By Odin's Daughters.mp3 (15.13 Mb)
09. Almighty Apostles - Archangel of the North.mp3 (6.4 Mb)
10. Bloodshed Walhalla - Where's my God.mp3 (12.52 Mb)
11. Odenwrath - The Battle of Wolfhead's Gate.mp3 (7.73 Mb)
12. Imperial Dusk - The Battle Begins.mp3 (8.14 Mb)
13. Strydegor - Tears In The Storm.mp3 (13.44 Mb)
14. Furious Anger - Vikings Revenge.mp3 (6.35 Mb)
15. Волколак - Неистовый Бой.mp3 (12.86 Mb)
16. Battlelore - Olden Gods.mp3 (10.3 Mb)
17. Norden - My Journey Through The Myths And Legend.mp3 (19.97 Mb)
18. Rape & Plunder - Mjollnir Battle Song.mp3 (7.92 Mb)
19. Last Legion - Descendants of Odin.mp3 (13.78 Mb)
20. Black Messiah - Father Of War.mp3 (12.42 Mb)
21. Einherjer - Leve Vikingeaanden.mp3 (5.92 Mb)
22. Nachtfalke - Fallen Heroes.mp3 (12.84 Mb)
23. Slechtvalk - Storms.mp3 (11.53 Mb)
24. Spectral - Northern Storms.mp3 (11.69 Mb)
25. Glittertind - Norges Skaal.mp3 (8.97 Mb)
26. Folkearth - Sailing A'viking.mp3 (7.18 Mb)
27. Asmegin - Vargdans.mp3 (8.17 Mb)
28. Folkearth - Ragnarok.mp3 (13.01 Mb)
29. Graveland - Black Metal War.mp3 (6.13 Mb)
30. Kromlek - Ode an den Feuergott.mp3 (12.07 Mb)
31. Graveland - In The Northern Carpathians.mp3 (26.11 Mb)
32. Talamyus - In The Battelfield.mp3 (10.82 Mb)
33. No Remorse No Retreat - Let the battle begin.mp3 (6.79 Mb)
34. Ultima Thule - Odens Aterkomst.mp3 (6.64 Mb)
35. Burzum - Budstikken.mp3 (25.54 Mb)
36. Moonsorrow - Matkan Lopussa.mp3 (13.52 Mb)
37. Ragnarok - Certain Death.mp3 (11.91 Mb)
38. Holdaar - Бог Войны.mp3 (6.38 Mb)
39. Реанимация - Воин Правды.mp3 (6.44 Mb)
40. Battleroar - Battleroar.mp3 (9.71 Mb)
41. Tyr - Into the Storm.mp3 (13.94 Mb)
42. Feskarn - Sea Bottom .mp3 (11.3 Mb)
43. Nordverg - Кузница Богов.mp3 (6.07 Mb)
44. Wandersword - Властители Мира.mp3 (14.65 Mb)
45. Asareidi - Слёзы эйнхериев.mp3 (10.29 Mb)
46. Midgaard - Северные Волки.mp3 (11.2 Mb)
47. The Flight of Sleipnir - Within The Fires Of Muspell.mp3 (8.02 Mb)
48. Yngwie Malmsteen - Into Valhalla.mp3 (12.43 Mb)
49. Black Sabbath - The Battle Of Tyr (Odin's Court, Valhalla).mp3 (9.38 Mb)
50. Viking - Do Or Die.mp3 (11.74 Mb)
51. Vikings - Gods of tomorrow.mp3 (15.69 Mb)
52. Valhalla - Fireshine Of Lightings.mp3 (14.29 Mb)
53. Valhalla - Вальхалла.mp3 (30.34 Mb)
54. Valhalla - Deathless.mp3 (14.5 Mb)
55. valhalla - Ride of norsemen.mp3 (14.87 Mb)
56. Viking - Man Of Straw.mp3 (13.48 Mb)
57. Mighty Thor - Rumbo Al Valhalla.mp3 (14.21 Mb)
58. Crom - Man of Iron.mp3 (8.26 Mb)
59. Ad Mortis Nostrae - Valhalla.mp3 (7.76 Mb)
60. Sadis - В далёких землях.mp3 (10.28 Mb)
61. Furious Anger - The Frozen Storm From North.mp3 (10.96 Mb)
62. Hugin Munin - Viking Funeral.mp3 (11.83 Mb)
63. Viking Crown - Poisoned By the Blood of Christ.mp3 (19.11 Mb)
64. Valhalla - Valhalla.mp3 (7.6 Mb)
65. Emperor - A Fine Day To Die.mp3 (13.86 Mb)
66. Satyricon - Born For Burning.mp3 (9.53 Mb)
67. Mjolner - Vikingasjal.mp3 (6.06 Mb)
68. Mjod - Славься, Один!.mp3 (12.49 Mb)
69. White Lion - The Road To Valhalla.mp3 (10.51 Mb)
70. Сокира Перуна - Brothers in Valhalla.mp3 (12.98 Mb)
71. Молот - Вальхалла .mp3 (13.63 Mb)
72. Blind Guardian - Valhalla.mp3 (7.08 Mb)
73. Enslaved - Blodhemn.mp3 (14.97 Mb)
74. Folkearth - Donar's Hammer.mp3 (12.49 Mb)
75. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - Duel (Eric Kills Einar).mp3 (4.79 Mb)
Default.txt (5.32 Kb)
image.jpg (2.26 Mb)
01. Amon Amarth - With oden on our side.mp3 (19.41 Mb)
02. Manowar - Odin .mp3 (22.62 Mb)
03. Incursed - Die by the Sword.mp3 (13.97 Mb)
04. Ensiferum - Raised By The Sword.mp3 (24.28 Mb)
05. Bathory - The Sword.mp3 (13.91 Mb)
06. Butterfly Temple - Последняя битва богов.mp3 (13.85 Mb)
07. Nomans Land - Hail Normann.mp3 (20.98 Mb)
08. Almighty Apostles - Seraph Near With God.mp3 (14.44 Mb)
09. Bloodshed Walhalla - Warrior of the northern.mp3 (20.15 Mb)
10. Imperial Dusk - Times Of War.mp3 (16.32 Mb)
11. Graveland - Umrzeć za wolność.mp3 (34.62 Mb)
12. Nattsmyg - Fear Of The Gods.mp3 (21.48 Mb)
13. Battlelore - Sword's Song.mp3 (19.53 Mb)
14. Norden - Sight Of Black Sun (Ragnarok part II).mp3 (27.72 Mb)
15. Einherjer - Odin Owns Ye All.mp3 (20.63 Mb)
16. Nachtfalke - Odin.mp3 (10.71 Mb)
17. Slechtvalk - War Of The Ancients.mp3 (19.44 Mb)
18. Spectral - To The Gates Of Valhalla.mp3 (22.66 Mb)
19. Glittertind - Norge I Rodt, Hvitt Og Blеtt.mp3 (17.17 Mb)
20. Folkearth - Tribute To The Viking Gods.mp3 (19.45 Mb)
21. Mourning Ends - Surpass The Gods.mp3 (15.95 Mb)
22. Folkearth - Vikings anthem.mp3 (17.89 Mb)
23. Shield Breaker - Oak Of Battle.mp3 (23.01 Mb)
24. Runic - Playing With Gods.mp3 (17.81 Mb)
25. Arthanus - Valkyries.mp3 (19.15 Mb)
26. No Remorse No Retreat - War age.mp3 (16.1 Mb)
27. Ultima Thule - Blonda Svenska Vikingar.mp3 (12.91 Mb)
28. Burzum - Sverddans.mp3 (15.78 Mb)
29. Реанимация - Вальхалла.mp3 (15.23 Mb)
30. Battleroar - Calm Before the Storm.mp3 (25.1 Mb)
31. Tyr - Northern Gate.mp3 (21.03 Mb)
32. Skilfingar - Gods and Giants (Legends II).mp3 (16.32 Mb)
33. Nordverg - Меч Судьбы.mp3 (20.72 Mb)
34. Wandersword - Мирный страж.mp3 (18.27 Mb)
35. Asareidi - Молний Стали Звон.mp3 (18.44 Mb)
36. Mjоd - Первая Битва.mp3 (20 Mb)
37. Sleeping Woodland - С мечом в руке.mp3 (20.56 Mb)
38. Vikings - Across the great wide Sea.mp3 (23.44 Mb)
39. Viking - Militia Of Death.mp3 (16.51 Mb)
40. Valhalla - Starflaming Heart Of Ural.mp3 (26.93 Mb)
41. Valhalla - Odin's Daughters.mp3 (15.83 Mb)
42. Graveland - W morzu krwi.mp3 (27.84 Mb)
43. Hugin Munin - Die for Odin.mp3 (22.22 Mb)
44. Viking Crown - Christianity Has No Chance .mp3 (19.86 Mb)
45. Valhalla - Battle By Truth.mp3 (17.25 Mb)
46. Valhalla - Battle For Asgard.mp3 (20.26 Mb)
47. Valhalla - Heroes.mp3 (19.87 Mb)
48. Balyios - Valhalla.mp3 (20.31 Mb)
49. Nomans Land - Sea battlefield.mp3 (15.65 Mb)
50. Hildr Valkyrie - To Wallhall Shall Meet.mp3 (23.77 Mb)
51. Svetovid - Valhalla.mp3 (30.21 Mb)
52. Hypnagogia - Valhalla.mp3 (29.1 Mb)
53. Morbid Jester - Gates To Valhalla.mp3 (18.9 Mb)
54. Путь Солнца - С нами Один и Тор.mp3 (18.63 Mb)
55. The Helheim Society - Fimbulwinter.mp3 (20.87 Mb)
56. Trelleborg - From The Seas.mp3 (22.21 Mb)
57. Arthanus - Fenrir, the Giant Wolf.mp3 (20.04 Mb)
58. Castle Way - Chicken Run A True Viking Story.mp3 (23.59 Mb)
59. Ensiferum - Way of the Warrior.mp3 (19.19 Mb)
60. Hin Onde - At The Borders Of Pagandom.mp3 (21.29 Mb)
61. Hull - Viking Funeral.mp3 (43.63 Mb)
62. Space Vikings - Be A Viking.mp3 (21.85 Mb)
63. Shelder - God of Vikings.mp3 (16.97 Mb)
64. Johansson - The Last Viking.mp3 (17.18 Mb)
65. Rebellion - Ynglinga Saga (To Odin We Call).mp3 (26.44 Mb)
66. Apoteoza - Fight Spirit from Viking Warrior.mp3 (14.07 Mb)
67. Vikingo - Intoxicacion.mp3 (17.45 Mb)
68. Ancient Rites - Shades Of Eternal Battlefields (Our Empire Fell).mp3 (16.92 Mb)
69. Enslaved - I Lenker Til Ragnarok.mp3 (23.09 Mb)
Default.txt (4.98 Kb)
image.jpg (10.14 Mb)
01. Коррозия Металла - В шторме викинг и меч.mp3 (12.85 Mb)
02. Bathory - Valhalla (Never Before Released).mp3 (4.87 Mb)
03. Manowar - Sleipnir.mp3 (14.52 Mb)
04. Bathory - A Fine Day To Die.mp3 (14.37 Mb)
05. Amon amarth - Valhall awaits me.mp3 (12.07 Mb)
06. Nomans Land - Father North.mp3 (13.21 Mb)
07. Almighty Apostles - Black Fog of the War.mp3 (7.72 Mb)
08. Bloodshed Walhalla - Born in fire.mp3 (10.27 Mb)
09. Forgotten Land - Heroes of an Ancient Reign.mp3 (11.08 Mb)
10. Волколак - Гибель Волколаков.mp3 (12.85 Mb)
11. Battlelore - House Of Heroes.mp3 (11.98 Mb)
12. Norden - Return To Fatherland.mp3 (19.79 Mb)
13. Einherjer - Far Far North.mp3 (19.04 Mb)
14. Nachtfalke - Ragnarok.mp3 (15.31 Mb)
15. Slechtvalk - Thunder Of War.mp3 (11.83 Mb)
16. Spectral - Die in Battle.mp3 (13.5 Mb)
17. Glittertind - The Battle of Stiklestad.mp3 (8.9 Mb)
18. Folkearth - The Will Of Odin.mp3 (16.01 Mb)
19. Graveland - The Dark Battlefield.mp3 (20.8 Mb)
20. Manegarm - Pagan war.mp3 (11.29 Mb)
21. Graveland - In the Northern Carpathians.mp3 (3.99 Mb)
22. Menhir - Warrior Of The North.mp3 (14.53 Mb)
23. No Remorse No Retreat - Warbringer.mp3 (6.88 Mb)
24. Ultima Thule - Ragnarok (Ny Inspelning).mp3 (4.8 Mb)
25. Burzum - War.mp3 (6.02 Mb)
26. Battleroar - Sword of Crom.mp3 (10.89 Mb)
27. Sleeping Woodland - Один.mp3 (13.65 Mb)
28. Wandersword - Сорок Воинов.mp3 (12.17 Mb)
29. Asareidi - Чертог Бессмертных.mp3 (8.62 Mb)
30. Nordverg - Покидая Фьорд.mp3 (9.37 Mb)
31. Midgaard - One Rode to Asa Bay.mp3 (24.39 Mb)
32. The Flight of Sleipnir - Let Us Drink Till We Die.mp3 (8.32 Mb)
33. Valhalla - The Way Of Gods.mp3 (6.47 Mb)
34. Eton Nir - Dawn.mp3 (7.46 Mb)
35. Hugin Munin - Thor in Jotunheim.mp3 (12.6 Mb)
36. Valhalla - While Gods With Us.mp3 (10.63 Mb)
37. Valhalla - Enemy.mp3 (12.59 Mb)
38. Balyios - Death And Glory.mp3 (10.5 Mb)
39. Nomans land - Beard of storm.mp3 (7.5 Mb)
40. Hildr Valkyrie - Shield Brothers Of Valhalla.mp3 (14.56 Mb)
41. Svetovid - Swords Of Light.mp3 (12.88 Mb)
42. Forgotten Land - Winter's Cry.mp3 (11.77 Mb)
43. Itnuveth - Northern Demons.mp3 (6.67 Mb)
44. Graveland - Cztery skrzydła słońca.mp3 (25.3 Mb)
45. Northern Mass - Blood, Tears and Sea.mp3 (9.82 Mb)
46. Trelleborg - Tale Of The Immortals.mp3 (23.58 Mb)
47. Sleipnir - Blood On The Sword.mp3 (20.82 Mb)
48. Mourning Ends - Surpass The Gods.mp3 (8.39 Mb)
49. Space Vikings - Battle of the Mead Hall.mp3 (12.46 Mb)
50. Johansson - Valhall Scuffle.mp3 (10.16 Mb)
51. Robert Basarte - Storm Is Coming.mp3 (6.42 Mb)
52. Rebellion - Odin.mp3 (7.41 Mb)
53. Mjolner - Vikingakung.mp3 (7.45 Mb)
54. Itnuveth - Death We Are.mp3 (6.33 Mb)
55. Enslaved - Urtical Gods.mp3 (10.23 Mb)
56. Ancient Rites - Quest for Blood (Le Vampire).mp3 (7.08 Mb)
57. Viking Skull - 19 Swords.mp3 (10.58 Mb)
58. Balyios - Death And Glory.mp3 (10.5 Mb)
59_aether_realm_odin_will_provide_myzuka.ru.mp3 (13.98 Mb)
60. Nidhogg - Storm Of Fimbul.mp3 (10.97 Mb)
61. Thorondir - Gods From The Past.mp3 (8.95 Mb)
62. Grimner - A Call For Battle.mp3 (12.95 Mb)
63. Elexorien - Running with the wolves of war.mp3 (12.41 Mb)
64. King Of Asgard - To North.mp3 (13.26 Mb)
65. Vikingaveisla - Forbodin ast.mp3 (7.67 Mb)
66. Bloodaxe - Northern Winds Of Genocide.mp3 (12.69 Mb)
67. Horrizon - Journey to Valhall.mp3 (7.53 Mb)
68. Baldrs Draumar - Ved Valhallas Bal.mp3 (7.15 Mb)
69. Ravenage - Viking Dream.mp3 (8.16 Mb)
70. Heljareyga - Feigdin .mp3 (21.44 Mb)
71. Malnatt - Valhalla.mp3 (6.62 Mb)
72. Nebelhorn - Walhall.mp3 (13.79 Mb)
73. Vanir - Overlord.mp3 (15.38 Mb)
74. The Flight of Sleipnir - A Legacy of Iron.mp3 (19.02 Mb)
75. Satyricon - Vikingland.mp3 (9.77 Mb)
76. Iron Maiden - Invasion.mp3 (7.42 Mb)
77. Bathory - One Rode To Asa Bay.mp3 (12.08 Mb)
Default.txt (5.37 Kb)
image.jpg (2.57 Mb)
01. Itnuveth - Legacy of a Dead Wolf.mp3 (8.81 Mb)
02. Wardruna - Iwar.mp3 (15.11 Mb)
03. Bathory - Nordland.mp3 (23.44 Mb)
04. Amon Amarth - On A Sea Of Blood.mp3 (11.37 Mb)
05. Manowar - Battle Hymn.mp3 (11.55 Mb)
06. Northern Mass - Drunk in the Forest.mp3 (5.93 Mb)
07. Волколак - Сгинуть.mp3 (10.28 Mb)
08. Battlelore - Swordmaster.mp3 (9.74 Mb)
09. Norden - On The Raven's Wings.mp3 (17.37 Mb)
10. Nachtfalke - Ode To The Fallen One.mp3 (15.18 Mb)
11. Slechtvalk - Hounds Of Battle.mp3 (11.39 Mb)
12. Spectral - Pagan Steel.mp3 (13 Mb)
13. Folkearth - Before Battle I Embrace.mp3 (11.05 Mb)
14. Menhir - Paganlord.mp3 (13.65 Mb)
15. Graveland - Born For War.mp3 (21.56 Mb)
16. Folkearth - Thunders of War.mp3 (8.78 Mb)
17. Forefather - The Last Battle.mp3 (10.79 Mb)
18. Castle Way - Of Wind Snow and Ice.mp3 (17.23 Mb)
19. Elexorien - Running with the wolves of war.mp3 (11.88 Mb)
20. Bloodshed Walhalla - Land Of Fire.mp3 (12.87 Mb)
21. No Remorse No Retreat - Hammer of Thor.mp3 (7.45 Mb)
22. Sovengar - Brutal Battle .mp3 (10.67 Mb)
23. Wandersword - Северные Врата.mp3 (11.25 Mb)
24. Pagan Hammer - Die With Honor.mp3 (9.57 Mb)
25. Tyr - Valhalla.mp3 (6.67 Mb)
26. Valhalla - Father's Speach (Calling To Wage Of War).mp3 (8.4 Mb)
27. Eton Nir - Dusk.mp3 (8.42 Mb)
28. Arthanus - Fear the Berserk.mp3 (12.41 Mb)
29. Valhalla - Whole Gods With Us.mp3 (12.53 Mb)
30. Valhalla - Shadow Of The King.mp3 (9.56 Mb)
31. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - Aella Cuts Of Eric's Hand.mp3 (6.3 Mb)
32. Hildr Valkyrie - Riding Through The Battle.mp3 (8.46 Mb)
33. Svetovid - Battle's Twilight.mp3 (12.35 Mb)
34. Morbid Jester - Stallion Of Steel.mp3 (12.72 Mb)
35. Путь Солнца - Штормовая Команда.mp3 (8.75 Mb)
36. Sleipnir - The Blood And The Bones (Once We Were Kings Pt II).mp3 (22.36 Mb)
37. Sovengar - Legion of Fire.mp3 (10.92 Mb)
38. Trelleborg - Into Battle.mp3 (5.84 Mb)
39. Mourning Ends - Hate To See You Die.mp3 (8.51 Mb)
40. Space Vikings - Odin's Nebula.mp3 (13.35 Mb)
41. Johansson - Winter Battle.mp3 (9.77 Mb)
42. Robert Basarte - Winter Cold To The Bones.mp3 (6.35 Mb)
43. Rebellion - Ragnarok .mp3 (10.48 Mb)
44. Vikingo - Nada Por Perder.mp3 (10.5 Mb)
45. Ancient Rites - Death Messiah.mp3 (5.65 Mb)
46. Viking Skull - In For The Kill.mp3 (7.49 Mb)
47. Balyios - Valhalla.mp3 (12.21 Mb)
48. Hypnagogia - Valhalla.mp3 (21.01 Mb)
49. Aether Realm - One Chosen By The Gods.mp3 (11.79 Mb)
50. Nidhogg - Till Death We Stand.mp3 (9.54 Mb)
51. Thorondir - Cursed By The Gods.mp3 (8.64 Mb)
52. Grimner - Into The Night We Drink.mp3 (11.44 Mb)
53. Elexorien - A call to arms.mp3 (5.52 Mb)
54. Nomans Land - Dragons.mp3 (12.16 Mb)
55. King Of Asgard - Nordvegr.mp3 (15.4 Mb)
56. Vikingaveisla - A Sprengisandi.mp3 (6.1 Mb)
57. Throne of Carrion - War Drums and Ebony Ships.mp3 (6.99 Mb)
58. Bloodaxe - Bleeding Ymir.mp3 (12.75 Mb)
59. Horrizon - Northern Winds.mp3 (5.05 Mb)
60. Northern Mass - The War Path.mp3 (14.45 Mb)
61. Ravenage - Northern Scheme.mp3 (7.18 Mb)
62. Heljareyga - Vetrarbreytin.mp3 (25.46 Mb)
63. Malnatt - Ragnarok.mp3 (7.54 Mb)
64. Uburen - Visions Of Valhalla.mp3 (13.74 Mb)
65. Satyricon - Mother North.mp3 (10.87 Mb)
66. Vanir - The God Emperor.mp3 (14.05 Mb)
67. Depth Melody - Endless Seas.mp3 (14.39 Mb)
68. Einherjer - Hammer I Kors.mp3 (5.85 Mb)
69. King Of Asgard - Total Destruction.mp3 (11.55 Mb)
70. Folkearth - Farewell To The North.mp3 (10.85 Mb)
71. Bathory - Bond Of Blood.mp3 (8.97 Mb)
72. Son of the Northstar - Rise Again.mp3 (10.73 Mb)
73. Sleipnir - An Oath Sworn In Blood and Mead.mp3 (17.56 Mb)
74. Skalmold - Loki.mp3 (22.23 Mb)
Default.txt (5.18 Kb)
image.jpg (2.04 Mb)
01. Manowar - Die With Honor.mp3 (12.37 Mb)
02. Burzum - Galgvidr.mp3 (19.05 Mb)
03. Bathory - Man Of Iron.mp3 (5.04 Mb)
04. Ereb Altor - A Fine Day To Die.mp3 (23.01 Mb)
05. Valhalla - Slaves Of The Mad God.mp3 (7.79 Mb)
06. Eton Nir - Journey To Cyrodiil.mp3 (27.99 Mb)
07. Valhalla - Unholy Ancient Kings.mp3 (15.65 Mb)
08. Valhalla - Resurrection.mp3 (12.07 Mb)
09. Nomans Land - Storm Of Steel.mp3 (16.19 Mb)
10. Hildr Valkyrie - Thor The Thunder God.mp3 (21.26 Mb)
11. Svetovid - Surrounding Our Enemies.mp3 (13.54 Mb)
12. Uburen - Blood Eagle.mp3 (15.96 Mb)
13. Vanir - I Valkyriernes Skod.mp3 (18.79 Mb)
14. Folkearth - The Crimson Wine Of Battle.mp3 (11.24 Mb)
15. Space Vikings - The Will of Men.mp3 (12.1 Mb)
16. Einherjer - Nord Og Ner.mp3 (7.72 Mb)
17. Vikingo - Hasta El Fin.mp3 (10.76 Mb)
18. Enslaved - Storm Of Memories.mp3 (23.03 Mb)
19. Ancient Rites - Longing For The Ancient Kingdom.mp3 (7.62 Mb)
20. Robert Basarte - Precious Sword.mp3 (6.39 Mb)
21. Viking Skull - Start A War.mp3 (7.94 Mb)
22. Aether Realm - Raven Song.mp3 (6.79 Mb)
23. Nidhogg - Saga von Tyr.mp3 (11.21 Mb)
24. Thorondir - Nordwindes zorn.mp3 (9.72 Mb)
25. Grimner - A Tale Of A Broken Man.mp3 (11.67 Mb)
26. Elexorien - Rising of the storm.mp3 (10.65 Mb)
27. King Of Asgard - Onset Of Ragnaroek.mp3 (3.8 Mb)
28. Vikingaveisla - Dufl og dans.mp3 (6.08 Mb)
29. Bloodaxe - Upon The Fields Of Vigrid.mp3 (9.12 Mb)
30. Horrizon - The Storm.mp3 (7.93 Mb)
31. Bathory - Born To Die.mp3 (6.13 Mb)
32. Manowar - Let The God's Decide.mp3 (5.81 Mb)
33. Nebelhorn - Walhall.mp3 (13.71 Mb)
34. Wulfshon - The Calling of the Ancestral Blood.mp3 (7.13 Mb)
35. Vinterblot - Blood Furnace.mp3 (13.97 Mb)
36. Throne of Carrion - War Drums and Ebony Ships.mp3 (13.22 Mb)
37. Myrkvar - I Viking.mp3 (18.88 Mb)
38. Oakenshield - Northreyjar.mp3 (10.66 Mb)
39. Skalmold - Sleipnir.mp3 (12.9 Mb)
40. Thorr's Hammer - Norge.mp3 (19.97 Mb)
41. Fortid - An Ode to the Raven.mp3 (11.19 Mb)
42. Врата Тьмы - Войны Северной Земли.mp3 (11.09 Mb)
43. Тысячелистник - Торин.mp3 (3.2 Mb)
44. Flaygoth - В Поход.mp3 (10.01 Mb)
45. Alvheim - Til Valhallen.mp3 (10.92 Mb)
46. Hammer Horde - Hymn of the Fjords.mp3 (4.29 Mb)
47. Хильд - Воин.mp3 (9.21 Mb)
48. Runic - Playing With Gods.mp3 (10.17 Mb)
49. Heorot - Ragnarok.mp3 (20.55 Mb)
50. Judas Priest - God's Of War.mp3 (7.15 Mb)
51. Saxon - Call in To Arms.mp3 (12.75 Mb)
52. Fferyllt - Brothers Of North.mp3 (15.8 Mb)
53. Last Wail - Battleforce.mp3 (13.72 Mb)
54. Scald - In The Open Sea.mp3 (23.13 Mb)
55. Hildr Valkyrie - Valhallas Great Hall.mp3 (9.72 Mb)
56. Eligorium - В шторме викинг и меч.mp3 (6.98 Mb)
58. Heidevolk - Walhalla wacht.mp3 (12.08 Mb)
59. Suidakra - Reap The Storm.mp3 (12.64 Mb)
60. Compos Mentis - The Innate God.mp3 (17.14 Mb)
61. Kampfar - Naglfar (Ragnarok).mp3 (6.34 Mb)
62. Borknagar - The Eye Of Oden.mp3 (16.3 Mb)
63. Windir - Destroy.mp3 (11.45 Mb)
64. Heaven Shall Burn - Valhalla.mp3 (12.55 Mb)
65. Thyrfing - A Moment in Valhalla.mp3 (9.26 Mb)
66. Рихард Вагнер - Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla.mp3 (8.53 Mb)
67. Тринадцатый Воин - Valhalla Viking Victory.mp3 (4.45 Mb)
68. Forodwaith - Valhalla Feast.mp3 (15.51 Mb)
69. All I Could Bleed - Valhalla.mp3 (18.31 Mb)
7. Almighty Apostles - Pursuit Of Vikings .mp3 (8.03 Mb)
70. Albannach - Valhalla's Feast.mp3 (12.28 Mb)
71. Heathen Foray - Theatre Of Battle.mp3 (14.19 Mb)
72. Depth Melody - Forest Chant.mp3 (15.98 Mb)
73. Einherjer - Trelldom.mp3 (6.4 Mb)
74. Valkyrie's Cry - Ride of Sleipnir.mp3 (6.86 Mb)
Default.txt (5.04 Kb)
image.jpg (2.5 Mb)
01. Manowar - Kill With Power.mp3 (14.05 Mb)
02. Valhalla - Revenge (Shadow Of The King).mp3 (15 Mb)
03. Valhalla - Before The Storm.mp3 (21.48 Mb)
04. Throne of Carrion - Smashing the Teeth of God.mp3 (15.32 Mb)
05. Shadowbreed - Battlerager.mp3 (14.75 Mb)
06. Bathory - Born For Burning.mp3 (13.4 Mb)
07. Iron Maiden - Invasion (Vikings Coming).mp3 (11.57 Mb)
08. Путь Солнца - Братья.mp3 (23.59 Mb)
09. Vanir - Blood Sacrifice.mp3 (19.21 Mb)
10. Space Vikings - Among the Stars.mp3 (19.49 Mb)
11. Judas Priest - Battle Hymn & One Shot At Glory.mp3 (19.26 Mb)
12. Enslaved - Death In The Eyes Of Dawn.mp3 (27.58 Mb)
13. Viking Skull - Cursed by The Sword.mp3 (12.43 Mb)
14. Aether Realm - Odin Will Provide.mp3 (15.48 Mb)
15. Nidhogg - Der Tod des Baldur.mp3 (17.85 Mb)
16. Thorongir - Die runensage .mp3 (16.46 Mb)
17. Strydegor - Throughout the Darkness.mp3 (26.58 Mb)
18. Elexorien - The disciple of the night under a starless sky.mp3 (20.44 Mb)
19. King Of Asgard - Wrath Of The Gods.mp3 (17.62 Mb)
20. Vikingaveisla - Draumferdir.mp3 (11.67 Mb)
21. Horrizon - I Will Never Return.mp3 (15.85 Mb)
22. Sleipnir - Farewell (To A Fallen Brother).mp3 (36.69 Mb)
23. Northern Mass - End of an Era.mp3 (26.52 Mb)
24. Hildr Valkyrie - Ring Of Gold.mp3 (21.41 Mb)
25. Nebelhorn - Nordwarts.mp3 (12.05 Mb)
26. Wulfshon - Son Ov Wolves.mp3 (11.85 Mb)
27. Vinterblot - As Sleipnir Rides.mp3 (17.14 Mb)
28. Vinterblot - The Forlorn War.mp3 (18.33 Mb)
29. Twin Obscenity - Lain To Rest By The Sword.mp3 (19.32 Mb)
30. Myrkvar - Stilte Voor De Storm.mp3 (13.4 Mb)
31. Oakenshield - Earl Thorfinn.mp3 (22.22 Mb)
32. Vanir - Fall of the Eagle.mp3 (21.19 Mb)
33. Thorr's Hammer - Troll.mp3 (18.74 Mb)
34. Fortid - Thor's Anger.mp3 (26.98 Mb)
35. Врата Тьмы - Песнь Волка.mp3 (19.11 Mb)
36. Тысячелистник - Меж Морем И Небом.mp3 (13.12 Mb)
37. Flaygoth - Северный Меч.mp3 (21.15 Mb)
38. Alvheim - Det Onde Riket.mp3 (14.06 Mb)
39. Hammer Horde - Pierced by Odin´s Spear.mp3 (24.77 Mb)
40. Nomans Land - Victory Horns.mp3 (18.71 Mb)
41. Judas Priest - Calm before the storm.mp3 (10.86 Mb)
42. Saxon - Hammer of the Gods.mp3 (14.62 Mb)
43. Fferyllt - Месть Локи.mp3 (22.08 Mb)
44. Last Wail - Northern Shores.mp3 (18.71 Mb)
45. Scald - Ragnaradi Eve.mp3 (33.61 Mb)
46. Heathen Foray - Messenger Of God .mp3 (20.74 Mb)
47. Hermh - Vallhalla.mp3 (27.72 Mb)
48. Монолит - В Шторме Викинг и Меч.mp3 (17.94 Mb)
49. Almighty Apostles - Spirit of the North.mp3 (11.14 Mb)
50. Suidakra - Feats Of War.mp3 (15.02 Mb)
51. Kampfar - Swarm Norvegicus .mp3 (13.73 Mb)
52. Borknagar - Nord Naagauk.mp3 (15.74 Mb)
53. Lord Wind - Gates Of Valhalla.mp3 (21.98 Mb)
54. Orchid - New Jersey Vs. Valhalla.mp3 (12.16 Mb)
55. Burzum - My Ragnarok.mp3 (15.9 Mb)
56. Sabaton - Twilight Of The Thunder God.mp3 (17.75 Mb)
57. Krauka - Vinterblot.mp3 (13.67 Mb)
58. Therion - Thor The Powerhead.mp3 (15.2 Mb)
59. Tyr - The Hammer Of Thor.mp3 (14.71 Mb)
60. Рихард Вагнер - Гибель Богов & Рагнарёк.mp3 (25.83 Mb)
61. Bathory - Pace 'Till Death.mp3 (13.67 Mb)
62. Svetovid - Blood On The Ground.mp3 (13.41 Mb)
63. White Devils - Valhalla.mp3 (13.04 Mb)
64. Crimson Glory - Valhalla.mp3 (17.4 Mb)
65. Blackbird Raum - Ravachol in Valhalla.mp3 (22.93 Mb)
66. Sleipnir - Take Us To Valhalla.mp3 (17.62 Mb)
67. Minas Morgul - Valhalla Feast.mp3 (13.69 Mb)
68. Jerry Goldsmith - Valhalla & Viking Victory.mp3 (20.8 Mb)
69. Folkodia - Bound For Valhalla .mp3 (16.39 Mb)
70. White Lion - The Road To Valhalla.mp3 (16.88 Mb)
71. Holy Grail - Call of Valhalla.mp3 (16.34 Mb)
72. Peter Peter And Peter Kyed - Valhalla Rising.mp3 (16.6 Mb)
73_bornholm_valhalla_myzuka.ru.mp3 (16.06 Mb)
74. Manowar - God Or Man.mp3 (13.08 Mb)
75. Heaven Shall Burn - Valhalla.mp3 (13.67 Mb)
76. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - Dancing The Oars.mp3 (10.42 Mb)
Default.txt (5.46 Kb)
image.jpg (8.63 Mb)
01. Manowar - Thor.mp3 (14.89 Mb)
02. Nomans Land - Shield Of Northern Fjords.mp3 (19.03 Mb)
03. Hildr Valkyrie - The Battle Valkyrie.mp3 (15.72 Mb)
04. Gehennah - Reaper.mp3 (11.58 Mb)
05. Bathory - Distinguish To Kill.mp3 (10.47 Mb)
06. Boroff Band - В Шторме Викинг И Меч.mp3 (11.73 Mb)
07. Viking Skull - Fire.mp3 (16.74 Mb)
08. Northern Mass - Ancient Age.mp3 (19.38 Mb)
09. King Of Asgard - Brethren Of The North.mp3 (18.41 Mb)
10. Horrizon - Winterland in the Night.mp3 (10.71 Mb)
11. Itnuveth - Northern Demons.mp3 (11.59 Mb)
12. Night Creepers - True Lads Have Fallen.mp3 (18.87 Mb)
13. Hammer Horde - Triumph of Sword and Shield.mp3 (21.58 Mb)
14. Throne of Carrion - Smashing the Teeth of God.mp3 (13.61 Mb)
15. Twin Obscenity - For Blood, Honour And Soil.mp3 (23.46 Mb)
16. Myrkvar - Krijgers Van Walhalla.mp3 (21.01 Mb)
17. Thorr's Hammer - Dommedagsnatt.mp3 (26.09 Mb)
18. Fortid - Odin's Sacrifice.mp3 (19.63 Mb)
19. Last Wail - Fighting the Dark.mp3 (15.01 Mb)
20. Врата Тьмы - Правда Богов.mp3 (18.18 Mb)
21. Тысячелистник - Надвигающаяся Буря.mp3 (11.9 Mb)
22. Hammer Horde - Storm of Pagan Skies.mp3 (10.05 Mb)
23. Saxon - Altar Of The Gods.mp3 (15.96 Mb)
24. Fferyllt - Ледяной топор.mp3 (19.79 Mb)
25. Forgotten Land - Winter's Cry.mp3 (16.68 Mb)
26. Heathen Foray - A Brother's Tale.mp3 (18.75 Mb)
27. Suidakra - Shattering Swords.mp3 (17.24 Mb)
28. Borknagar - A Tale Of Pagan Tongue.mp3 (21.71 Mb)
29. Folkearth - The Wine-Sacks Of The Emperor.mp3 (16.3 Mb)
30. Forodwaith - Valhallas Feast.mp3 (14.97 Mb)
31. Pure Hate - Valhalla.mp3 (14.45 Mb)
32. Anakron - A Vikingek Utra Kelnek (The Vikings Set Sail).mp3 (9.47 Mb)
33. Ansgar - Hosten Odim.mp3 (16.82 Mb)
34. Baldrs Draumar - Ved Valhallas Bal.mp3 (12.07 Mb)
35. Fudjin Hao - Предсмертная песня.mp3 (14.99 Mb)
36. Ithilien - Drinkin Song.mp3 (17.57 Mb)
37. Depth Melody - Endless Seas.mp3 (19.84 Mb)
38. Mythos Nord - Walhalla.mp3 (20.13 Mb)
39. Feigd - Blood and Dust.mp3 (27.07 Mb)
40. Northland - Where the Heroes Die.mp3 (17.62 Mb)
41. Nomans Land - Last Crusade.mp3 (12.65 Mb)
42. Heulend Horn - The Knorr Crosses the Black Sea.mp3 (17.29 Mb)
43. Amon Amarth - Live For the Kill.mp3 (12.29 Mb)
44. Northern Mass - Heroes.mp3 (15.65 Mb)
45. Ensiferum - Lai Lai Hei.mp3 (18.2 Mb)
46. Itnuveth - Legacy of a Dead Wolf.mp3 (14.26 Mb)
47. Bathory - Enter The Eternal Fire.mp3 (23.38 Mb)
48. Night Creepers - Death To the Hypocrite.mp3 (18.89 Mb)
49. Forgotten Land - Drakkar's Return.mp3 (16.51 Mb)
50. Depth Melody - Forest Chant.mp3 (20.97 Mb)
51. Of Celestial - Viking's son.mp3 (19.29 Mb)
52. Northern Mass - Back to Norway.mp3 (20.41 Mb)
53. Almighty Apostles - Cry Of The Black Birds.mp3 (11.24 Mb)
54. Oskoreien - Mjollnir.mp3 (9.74 Mb)
55. Forgotten Land - A Sad Legend.mp3 (24.73 Mb)
56. Blind Guardian - Valhalla.mp3 (22.37 Mb)
57. Adorned Brood - Lead My Ship.mp3 (17.61 Mb)
58. Rakoth - Mountain God.mp3 (20.86 Mb)
59. Vinterriket - Walhall.mp3 (20.4 Mb)
60. Athlos - Aegean Blue (Poseidon's Realm).mp3 (13.07 Mb)
61. Arathorn - Die Hymne Des Winters Zorn.mp3 (37.83 Mb)
62. Bathory - Intro Vikings.mp3 (10.34 Mb)
63. Rakoth - Tiny Deaths.mp3 (25.54 Mb)
64. Epic North Music - Heroic Acts.mp3 (13.17 Mb)
65. Coils of the Serpent - The Withered Kingdom.mp3 (17.62 Mb)
66. Northern Mass - A Starry Way to the Open Sea.mp3 (23.07 Mb)
67. Anakron - Harc Odin Es Tor Neveben (Battle in the Name of Odin and Thor).mp3 (12.77 Mb)
68. Grave Digger - Valhalla.mp3 (12.71 Mb)
69. Solefald - Waves Over Valhalla.mp3 (20.63 Mb)
70. Bathory - Through Blood By Thunder.mp3 (21.37 Mb)
71. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - Voyage And Landing In Britain.mp3 (17.28 Mb)
Default.txt (5.31 Kb)
image.jpg (7.49 Mb)
01. Manowar - Army Of The Dead (Part 1).mp3 (6.57 Mb)
02. Bathory - Die In Fire.mp3 (7.12 Mb)
03. Aelia Capitolina - Wolf Of The Seas.mp3 (12.72 Mb)
04. Врата Тьмы - Рагнарек.mp3 (14.01 Mb)
05. Wulfshon - To The Battlefield.mp3 (12.3 Mb)
06. Almighty Apostles - Undead From The Hell.mp3 (6.43 Mb)
07. Saxon - Battle Cry.mp3 (14.52 Mb)
08. Fferyllt - Called By War.mp3 (18.67 Mb)
09. Last Wail - Warrior of Justice.mp3 (8.73 Mb)
10. Suidakra - Battle Cairns.mp3 (10.26 Mb)
11. Fortid - Ragnarok Army From The East.mp3 (20.75 Mb)
12. Anakron - Harc Odin Es Tor Neveben (Battle in the Name of Odin and Thor).mp3 (7.34 Mb)
13. Ansgar - Pilgrimage Nordic.mp3 (8.75 Mb)
14. Baldrs Draumar - Baldrs Drommer.mp3 (5.83 Mb)
15. Fudjin Hao - Вперед,братья!.mp3 (9.9 Mb)
16. Bloodaxe - Upon The Fields Of Vigrid.mp3 (8.67 Mb)
17. Kritter - Wall of Death.mp3 (10.55 Mb)
18. Mythos Nord - Ragnarok.mp3 (11.52 Mb)
19. Feigd - Grotesquery of Men.mp3 (17.87 Mb)
20. Northland - Northland.mp3 (14.49 Mb)
21. Valensorow - Tales of an Admiral.mp3 (10.29 Mb)
22. Heulend Horn - Nordic Ghost.mp3 (12.9 Mb)
23. Oskoreien - Heidenlarm.mp3 (4.52 Mb)
24. Athlos - Enslaved (A Slave's Odyssey).mp3 (10.49 Mb)
25. Asareidi - Клён Tинга Kольчуг.mp3 (9.63 Mb)
26. Kampfar - Norse.mp3 (14.73 Mb)
27. Wulfshon - Pride And Death.mp3 (14.76 Mb)
28. Flaygoth - Воин.mp3 (14.46 Mb)
29. Amon Amarth - The Hero.mp3 (6.71 Mb)
30. Хильд - Волки.mp3 (8.45 Mb)
31. Fferyllt - Месть Локи.mp3 (15.51 Mb)
32. Finntroll - Blodmarsch.mp3 (7.07 Mb)
33. Midgaard - Норвежский Остров.mp3 (7.06 Mb)
34. Storm - Storm.mp3 (8.89 Mb)
35. Wintersun - Beyond The Dark Sun.mp3 (6.88 Mb)
36. Compos Mentis - Infinite Fire.mp3 (13.22 Mb)
37. Rebellion - My Blood In The Snow.mp3 (15.67 Mb)
38. Ultima Thule - Ragnarok .mp3 (7 Mb)
39. Wandersword - В ожидании войны.mp3 (6.37 Mb)
40. Nordverg - Багровый Рассвет.mp3 (15.86 Mb)
41. Suidakra - Dragon Tribe.mp3 (7.01 Mb)
42. Horrizon - With a Scythe in His Hand.mp3 (6.21 Mb)
43. Hammer Horde - Infinite Warthirst.mp3 (13.96 Mb)
44. Fall Of Eden - Bloodied Dawn.mp3 (18.13 Mb)
45. Draugul - Furore Normanorum.mp3 (12.88 Mb)
46. Fall Of Eden - Envied By the Gods.mp3 (15.54 Mb)
47. Heathen Foray - A Brotherґs Tale.mp3 (13.31 Mb)
48. Bloodshed Walhalla - The Sword.mp3 (9.54 Mb)
49. Malnatt - L'entrata nel Valhalla.mp3 (3.03 Mb)
50. King Of Asgard - Strike Of The Hammer.mp3 (9.54 Mb)
51. Nokturnal Mortum - Valhalla.mp3 (21.7 Mb)
52. Gods Tower - Song to Hall Up High.mp3 (7.02 Mb)
53. Wolves of Avalon - Through Blood By Thunder.mp3 (12.28 Mb)
54. Last Wail - Fighting The Dark.mp3 (9.58 Mb)
55. Nebelhorn - Lokis Kopf.mp3 (21.14 Mb)
56. Amon Amarth - Cry Of The Black Birds.mp3 (9.15 Mb)
57. Darkest Era - Foreverdark Woods.mp3 (15.1 Mb)
58. Ancient Ascendant - Flash of the Silverhammer.mp3 (8.14 Mb)
59. Malnatt - l'uscita dal Valhalla.mp3 (2.57 Mb)
60. Jennie Tebler - Song to Hall Up High.mp3 (5.55 Mb)
61. Midgaard - One Rode To Asa Bay.mp3 (15.15 Mb)
62. Солнцеворот - The Ravens.mp3 (6.75 Mb)
63. Viking - Killer Unleashed.mp3 (11.66 Mb)
64. Vinterriket - Walhall.mp3 (14.97 Mb)
65. Last Wail - Warrior Of Justice.mp3 (10.52 Mb)
66. Order Of The Ebon Hand - Odens Ride Over Nordland (A Fine Day To Die).mp3 (22.25 Mb)
67. Oakenshield - Northreyjar.mp3 (10.21 Mb)
68. Horrizon - Northern Winds.mp3 (5.07 Mb)
69. Wulfshon - Death In The Light.mp3 (10.18 Mb)
70. Forostar - Freedom.mp3 (18.86 Mb)
71. Heorot - Ragnarok.mp3 (8.33 Mb)
72. Ultima Thule - Vinklingar Och Svek.mp3 (6.97 Mb)
73. Врата Тьмы - Белый Воин.mp3 (11.61 Mb)
74. Sadis - Предавшие (А на севере).mp3 (10.4 Mb)
75. Angmar - Midgards Eldar.mp3 (13.63 Mb)
76. Pantera - Valhalla.mp3 (7.7 Mb)
Default.txt (5.29 Kb)
image.jpg (2.05 Mb)
01. Suidakra - Storming the Walls.mp3 (9.11 Mb)
02. Anakron - Freya & Odin.mp3 (5.69 Mb)
03. Ansgar - Vikings Kneeling.mp3 (15.15 Mb)
04. Baldrs Draumar - Eden Av Guder, Mennesker Og Traer.mp3 (8.72 Mb)
05. Fudjin Hao - Я и мой медный топор.mp3 (9.12 Mb)
06. Ithilien - Battle Cry.mp3 (5.09 Mb)
07. Kritter - Rise Song.mp3 (10.07 Mb)
08. Mythos Nord - Manner aus dem Norden .mp3 (13.24 Mb)
09. Feigd - Hands of Greed.mp3 (16.83 Mb)
10. Northland - Immortal Forest Song.mp3 (12.2 Mb)
11. Valensorow - Dirge of the Dying.mp3 (10.48 Mb)
12. Heulend Horn - On the Black Sea of Gotland.mp3 (11.56 Mb)
13. Bathory - Sea Wolf.mp3 (9.02 Mb)
14. Burzum - Moti Ragnarokum.mp3 (22.33 Mb)
15. Viking - Hellbound.mp3 (7.71 Mb)
16. Wulfgar - Valkyria.mp3 (13.55 Mb)
17. Manowar - Loki God Of Fire.mp3 (10.32 Mb)
18. Ulvhedin - One Eyed God.mp3 (13.07 Mb)
19. Thundra - Storm Within.mp3 (14.22 Mb)
20. Spectral - Bloodstorm.mp3 (9.75 Mb)
21. Solstafir - Ritual of Fire.mp3 (34.85 Mb)
22. Nachtfalke - Ode to the Fallen One.mp3 (16.01 Mb)
23. Mithotyn - Ragnarok.mp3 (3.71 Mb)
24. Darkenhold - Allfadr Odin.mp3 (9.05 Mb)
25. Iuvenes - Glory to the War.mp3 (11.33 Mb)
26. Hrossharsgrani - The Eternal Fire.mp3 (12.2 Mb)
27. Helheim - Hjelmstorm.mp3 (11.89 Mb)
28. Frostmoon - Norgesriket Hylles.mp3 (6.92 Mb)
29. Black Messiah - Entering The Halls Of Odhinn.mp3 (6.47 Mb)
30. Abusiveness - Fire And Blood.mp3 (7.42 Mb)
31. Yngwie Malmsteen - Valhalla.mp3 (9.26 Mb)
32. Viron - Winds Of Valhalla.mp3 (15.55 Mb)
33. Nomans land - War song.mp3 (7.27 Mb)
34. Apokefal - North-Ritual.mp3 (10.5 Mb)
35. Nachtfalke - Odin.mp3 (2.12 Mb)
36. Graveland - The Dawn Of Battle.mp3 (5.85 Mb)
37. Fangorn - Smoldering Fire.mp3 (5.05 Mb)
38. Equilibrium - Der Sturm.mp3 (6.75 Mb)
39. Ensiferum - Hero In A Dream.mp3 (6.56 Mb)
40. Amon Amarth - Death in Fire.mp3 (5.86 Mb)
41. Glittertind - Nordafjells.mp3 (13.48 Mb)
42. Midgaard - Норвежский Остров.mp3 (6.56 Mb)
43. Svartsot - Valhal.mp3 (6.61 Mb)
44. Vintersorg - Norrland.mp3 (11.55 Mb)
45. Voice Of Midnight - Голос войны.mp3 (7.61 Mb)
46. Forefather - The Fighting Man.mp3 (12.55 Mb)
47. Folkearth - Wolfsong in Mootlight (Fenris Unbound).mp3 (12.34 Mb)
48. Falkenbach - Heathenpride.mp3 (13.49 Mb)
49. Vinterriket - Walhall.mp3 (14.47 Mb)
50. Elivagar - Call Of The Sea.mp3 (13.8 Mb)
51. Trelleborg - Into Battle.mp3 (5.35 Mb)
52. Thyrfing - Heading For The Golden Hall (Storms Of Asgard).mp3 (18.57 Mb)
53. The Helheim Society - Saga Doden.mp3 (7.28 Mb)
54. Norden - Walkirie, Na Wiatr!.mp3 (10.04 Mb)
55. Viking - White Death.mp3 (13.91 Mb)
56. Nomans Land - Fjell Og Fjord.mp3 (6.54 Mb)
57. Nordverg - Меч Судьбы.mp3 (12.13 Mb)
58. Horrizon - Journey to Valhall.mp3 (6.51 Mb)
59. Menhir - Warrior Of The North.mp3 (9.19 Mb)
60. Crystal Of Carpat - Вперёд и вверx.mp3 (12.61 Mb)
61. Hin Onde - Songs Of Battle.mp3 (7.16 Mb)
62. Eugenik - Tore Der Zeit.mp3 (7.89 Mb)
63. Compos Mentis - Dead Among the Dead.mp3 (11.35 Mb)
64. Oakenshield - The Sons of Bor.mp3 (11.86 Mb)
65. Turisas - Fields Of Gold.mp3 (7.63 Mb)
66. Iuvenes - Blood, Steel, and Temper of Spirit.mp3 (22.69 Mb)
67. Battleroar - Swordbrothers.mp3 (11.24 Mb)
68. Vinterriket - Walhall.mp3 (14.47 Mb)
69. Ulvhedin - Pagan Manifest.mp3 (13.27 Mb)
70. Forgotten Daylight - Winternight.mp3 (16.56 Mb)
71. Wulfgar - Fight, Win, Kill & Conquer.mp3 (12.24 Mb)
72. Thundra - Formed By Power.mp3 (11.6 Mb)
73. Fall Of Eden - A Call for Blood.mp3 (18.5 Mb)
74. Burzum - Han Som Reiste.mp3 (12.66 Mb)
Default.txt (4.99 Kb)
image.jpg (1.55 Mb)
01. Heulend Horn - The Words of Odhinn.mp3 (9.16 Mb)
02. Nachtfalke - Ragnarok.mp3 (14.65 Mb)
03. Bathory - Total Destruction.mp3 (5.43 Mb)
04. Manowar - Army Of The Dead (Part II).mp3 (7.28 Mb)
05. Hildr Valkyrie - The Heralder.mp3 (20.7 Mb)
06. Spectral - Curse of the Black Sea.mp3 (13.3 Mb)
07. Mithotyn - In the Arms of Valkyries.mp3 (4.48 Mb)
08. Black Messiah - Father Of War.mp3 (16.43 Mb)
09. Glittertind - Se Norges Blomsterdal.mp3 (8.14 Mb)
10. Tyr - Hail To The Hammer.mp3 (6.14 Mb)
11. Iuvenes - When Heroes Will Rise.mp3 (21.26 Mb)
12. Fortid - Spirit of the North.mp3 (14.33 Mb)
13. Vintersorg - Fangad Utav Nordens Sjal.mp3 (10.12 Mb)
14. Nordverg - Кузница Богов.mp3 (5.72 Mb)
15. Falkenbach - Homeward Shore.mp3 (14.57 Mb)
16. Folkearth - Wisdom Of Wolves.mp3 (8.43 Mb)
17. Forefather - The Call To Arms.mp3 (7.55 Mb)
18. Fall Of Eden - Crown of Thorns.mp3 (10.37 Mb)
19. Crystal Of Carpat - Повелитель огня.mp3 (12.84 Mb)
20. Elivagar - Call of the sea.mp3 (9.73 Mb)
21. Theudho - Where Blood Soon Will Be Shed.mp3 (17.71 Mb)
22. Almighty Apostles - Cold Winter.mp3 (5.15 Mb)
23. Thyrfing - A Great Man's Return.mp3 (14.18 Mb)
24. The Helheim Society - Saga Morket.mp3 (8.56 Mb)
25. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - Eric And Morgana Escape (Love Scene).mp3 (7.47 Mb)
26. Burzum - Channeling The Power Of Souls Into A New God.mp3 (6.66 Mb)
27. Хильд - Воин.mp3 (6.75 Mb)
28. Malnаtt - Il Sentiero Dei Nidi Di Ragnarok.mp3 (6 Mb)
29. Falkenbach - Where Blood Will Soon Be Shed.mp3 (18.51 Mb)
30. Rebellion - Ragnaroeck.mp3 (10.55 Mb)
31. Hammer Horde - Hero's Heart.mp3 (12.01 Mb)
32. Suidakra - On Torrid Sand.mp3 (10.79 Mb)
33. Amon Amarth - Warriors of the North.mp3 (20.7 Mb)
34. Odins Law - Hail The Gods.mp3 (16.03 Mb)
35. Wizard - Fire And Blood.mp3 (12.19 Mb)
36. Folkearth - Heathenpride.mp3 (22.17 Mb)
37. Graveland - Fire Dragon of Black Sun.mp3 (20.51 Mb)
38. Hildr Valkyrie - An Ode To All Father Odhinn.mp3 (9.92 Mb)
39. Wolfslair - Et Norden.mp3 (9.45 Mb)
40. Vindkaldr - Their Ships Sail From The Moon.mp3 (22.44 Mb)
41. Odins Wrath - Stormborn.mp3 (5.51 Mb)
42. War Soul - Легенда Викингов.mp3 (18.35 Mb)
43. Hagalaz - Поединок Рагнара с франком.mp3 (8.79 Mb)
44. Kylfingar - Ut a Valhallaba.mp3 (7.96 Mb)
45. Northern Sword - Set Sails.mp3 (12.39 Mb)
46. Orna Annon - The Black Sea (March of The Cephalopods).mp3 (12.98 Mb)
47. Seawolves - Dragonships Set Sail.mp3 (9.97 Mb)
48. Hypocras - Valkyries Experience.mp3 (6.55 Mb)
49. Swords Of Asgard - Valhalla Awaits.mp3 (12.67 Mb)
50. Asaviga - Nordischer Geist.mp3 (12.72 Mb)
51. Drekar - We Are One.mp3 (6.87 Mb)
52. Utstott - Slaget om Odin og Fenrir.mp3 (13.39 Mb)
53. Gwydion - Fara I Viking.mp3 (13.14 Mb)
54. Horde Thor - Call Of War.mp3 (5.04 Mb)
55. Barbarians - Flames Of War.mp3 (7.88 Mb)
56. Wodanaz - Orgulhosos Filhos de Odhinn.mp3 (6.31 Mb)
57. Death And Glory - Odin.mp3 (12.28 Mb)
58. Lost Legacy - Life of a Hero.mp3 (13.74 Mb)
59. Leaves' Eyes - Viking's Word.mp3 (8.11 Mb)
60. Fjoergyn - Wenn Sturme Ruhen.mp3 (11.94 Mb)
61. Amon Amarth - Burning creation.mp3 (10.37 Mb)
62. Lindisfarne - Declaration Of War.mp3 (11.63 Mb)
63. Minjar - A Hero is Born.mp3 (3.59 Mb)
64. Skidbladnir - Am Fjord die Wolfe heulen.mp3 (9.3 Mb)
65. Asatru - Mythen und Legenden.mp3 (11.63 Mb)
66. Thore - From Northern Lights We Rise.mp3 (4.47 Mb)
67. Lindisfarne - Hammer Crushes Cross.mp3 (6.06 Mb)
68. Wadgelmir - Walhall.mp3 (3.87 Mb)
69. Thy Wicked - Odins host.mp3 (7.2 Mb)
70. King Of Asgard - Heroes' Brigade.mp3 (12.65 Mb)
71. Allvater - Valhalla.mp3 (5.49 Mb)
72. Iuramentum - Twilight Of The Gods.mp3 (13.84 Mb)
73. Windrider - Across The Sea.mp3 (18.37 Mb)
74. Arthanus - Ode to my Enemies.mp3 (12.8 Mb)
75. Baptised In Ice - The Legion Of Warriors Of Metal.mp3 (11.14 Mb)
76. Hagbard - Warriors Legacy.mp3 (8.12 Mb)
77. Gymir - The Return of the Raven.mp3 (8.32 Mb)
78. Сокира Перуна - Полет Валькирий.mp3 (4.99 Mb)
Default.txt (5.74 Kb)
image.jpg (1.92 Mb)
01. Bathory - War.mp3 (4.86 Mb)
02. Manowar - Gods Of War.mp3 (19.82 Mb)
03. Morrigan - Straight War.mp3 (15.43 Mb)
04. Amon Amarth - Varyags of Miklagaard.mp3 (10.67 Mb)
05. Asathor - Die Wolfe heulen wieder.mp3 (14.59 Mb)
06. Fortid - Into Battle.mp3 (9.69 Mb)
07. Nordverg - Перед Последним Боем.mp3 (7.14 Mb)
08. Horrizon - The Storm.mp3 (8.23 Mb)
09. Fall Of Eden - Envied By the Gods.mp3 (16.29 Mb)
10. Wrath - Viking.mp3 (9.43 Mb)
11. Crystal Of Carpat - Неприкаянный зверь.mp3 (13.43 Mb)
12. Sleipnir - Take Us To Valhalla.mp3 (18.02 Mb)
13. Nordawn - Песня Викингов.mp3 (25.38 Mb)
14. Arthanus - Legion Of Gods.mp3 (18.12 Mb)
15. Baptised In Ice - Hammer Steel of Thunder.mp3 (6.69 Mb)
16. Woden - Fire.mp3 (7.13 Mb)
17. Dark Inversion - Battle In The Valley Of Death.mp3 (8.58 Mb)
18. Surturs Lohe - Walhallaerbsen.mp3 (19.64 Mb)
19. Odens Raven - Gottersturm.mp3 (8.32 Mb)
20. Heralder - A Legend of Victory.mp3 (8.42 Mb)
21. Mjolner - Skona Nord.mp3 (9.41 Mb)
22. Vermis Mysteriis - Valhalla.mp3 (14.72 Mb)
23. Hildr Valkyrie - Ring of Gold.mp3 (10.47 Mb)
24. Nachtfalke - Man of Iron.mp3 (5.92 Mb)
25. Волчий Острог - Foreverdark Woods.mp3 (12.83 Mb)
26. Nimphaion - Mother Earth Father Thunder.mp3 (5.8 Mb)
27. Baskiria - Baskíria - A Fine Day to Die.mp3 (14.23 Mb)
28. Lost Legacy - Dragonfire.mp3 (17.58 Mb)
29. Tarabas - Hero.mp3 (18.07 Mb)
30. Manowar - Let the gods decide.mp3 (6.12 Mb)
31. Hyperion - Odinn's Fall.mp3 (12.92 Mb)
32. Vindkaldr - Fleeing Over Snowy Fields.mp3 (48.24 Mb)
33. Trollgasm - The Northern Winds.mp3 (5.07 Mb)
34. Annulond - We Ride.mp3 (8.1 Mb)
35. Interregnum - Storm Of The Ancient.mp3 (6.97 Mb)
36. Asgrauw - De Ondergang.mp3 (6.38 Mb)
37. Vindkaldr - Longing For The Sea.mp3 (25.01 Mb)
38. Odins Wrath - Arm Ripped Off by a Wookie.mp3 (12.72 Mb)
39. Cnoc An Tursa - Hail Land Of My Fathers.mp3 (10.37 Mb)
40. Draugul - King Of A Stellar War.mp3 (8.07 Mb)
41. War Soul - Отстоявшие До Конца.mp3 (16.18 Mb)
42. Hagalaz - Бьёрн.mp3 (8.72 Mb)
43. Hypocras - Blood Feast.mp3 (6.05 Mb)
44. Norditual - My Winder Cry.mp3 (8.26 Mb)
45. The Conquering - A Home We Lost.mp3 (10.89 Mb)
46. Drekar - For our Fallen Ones.mp3 (5.35 Mb)
47. Wodanaz - Blessed By The Gods.mp3 (6 Mb)
48. Trollgasm - Forest Warriors.mp3 (7.12 Mb)
49. Interregnum - Bloodlust.mp3 (6.97 Mb)
50. Gwydion - Odhinn's Cult.mp3 (10.8 Mb)
51. Annulond - The Battle of One Total.mp3 (7.47 Mb)
52. Gymir - Valkyrie of Sorrow.mp3 (9.73 Mb)
53. Windrider - A Warrior's Tale.mp3 (19.33 Mb)
54. Asathor - Valhalla.mp3 (15.34 Mb)
55. Thy Wicked - Pray to north.mp3 (8.78 Mb)
56. Allvater - Hammers Werk.mp3 (6.08 Mb)
57. Skidbladnir - Walhalla.mp3 (16.81 Mb)
58. Halgadom - Sang der Nornen.mp3 (14.52 Mb)
59. Bathory - Destroyer Of Worlds.mp3 (13.92 Mb)
60. Swords Of Asgard - As Ragnarok Nears.mp3 (14.42 Mb)
61. Stormlord - The Battle.mp3 (8.2 Mb)
62. Vrankenvorde - Mutter Norden.mp3 (9.18 Mb)
63. Tarabas - Warlord.mp3 (17.66 Mb)
64. Odens Raven - Die letzten Helden.mp3 (16.08 Mb)
65. Lost Legacy - Gates of Wrath.mp3 (14.51 Mb)
66. Heralder - The King's Return.mp3 (8.86 Mb)
67. Andras - Black Wings Of Death.mp3 (11.47 Mb)
68. Minjar - The Dragonslayer's Tale.mp3 (13.33 Mb)
69. Death And Glory - Death And Glory.mp3 (17.18 Mb)
70. Halgadom - Pagan Warrior.mp3 (17.6 Mb)
71. Morrigan - Morrigans Flight Over Oeltic Lands.mp3 (12.27 Mb)
72. Lindisfarne - The Empire Of Death.mp3 (6.44 Mb)
73. Thy Wicked - Heroic Hour.mp3 (9.66 Mb)
74. Arthanus - Asgard Palace.mp3 (12.59 Mb)
75. Baptised in Ice - The Fire of the Warrior Spirit.mp3 (9.9 Mb)
Default.txt (5.12 Kb)
image.jpg (2.8 Mb)
01. Deaths Head - Vikings Wrath .mp3 (13.52 Mb)
02. Heilung - Hakkerskaldyr.mp3 (6.9 Mb)
03. Trevor Morris - Ragnar Fights The Earl.mp3 (9.5 Mb)
04. Crom - Unchain the Hero.mp3 (12.01 Mb)
05. Fferyllt - Ледяной топор.mp3 (14.27 Mb)
06. Odins Wrath - Draugr.mp3 (13.41 Mb)
07. Grimner - Vargamarsch.mp3 (4.56 Mb)
08. Draugul - Svoldr.mp3 (7.66 Mb)
09. Icethrone - Call To Arms.mp3 (6.61 Mb)
10. Skogshallen - The Tale of Ölrunir Beerfrost the Viking Who Drank Alot.mp3 (4.32 Mb)
11. War Soul - Месть Волка.mp3 (16.3 Mb)
12. Miecz Wikinga - Husaria Lepszego Stworzenia.mp3 (6.6 Mb)
13. Amon Amarth - Gods of War Arise.mp3 (14.2 Mb)
14. Wrath - Dreams Of A Return.mp3 (9.75 Mb)
15. Ultima Thule - Bearing North.mp3 (11.5 Mb)
16. Viking Skull - Believer in a Dead World.mp3 (14.5 Mb)
17. Wulfshon - Son Ov Wolves.mp3 (5.19 Mb)
18. Bathory - Great Hall Awaits A Fallen Brother.mp3 (20.92 Mb)
19. Battlelore - Raise Your Swords.mp3 (13.42 Mb)
20. Fall Of Oden - Dying Breed.mp3 (13.92 Mb)
21. Northern Sword - Draw Your Swords.mp3 (14.42 Mb)
22. Orna Annon - Heir To The Throne.mp3 (9.25 Mb)
23. Amon Amarth - And Soon The World Will Cea.mp3 (11.49 Mb)
24. Seawolves - Going Berserk.mp3 (11.76 Mb)
25. Hypocras - Death Sentence For A Dreamer.mp3 (6 Mb)
26. Swords Of Asgard - Odin's Search for Wisdom.mp3 (10.77 Mb)
27. Bathory - Under The Runes.mp3 (7.43 Mb)
28. The Conquering - Ragnarok.mp3 (9.59 Mb)
29. Utstott - Sleipnir sin tur i Livlose Asene.mp3 (15.37 Mb)
30. Halgadom - Weg durch die Zeit.mp3 (7.46 Mb)
31. Skidbladnir - Winter.mp3 (8.71 Mb)
32. Gwydion - The Terror Of The Northern.mp3 (14.22 Mb)
33. Horde Thor - Across Open Sea.mp3 (5.54 Mb)
34. Barbarians - The Father Of Victory.mp3 (9.83 Mb)
35. Sleipnir - Wolves Of Odin.mp3 (22.03 Mb)
36. Heilung - Krigsgaldr.mp3 (22.51 Mb)
37. Drunar - Father Odin.mp3 (11.38 Mb)
38. Manowar - Battle Hymn.mp3 (14.85 Mb)
39. Hyperion - Nordens Horde.mp3 (9.61 Mb)
40. Trollgasm - God Of Thunder.mp3 (6.45 Mb)
41. Interregnum - On The Battlefield.mp3 (6.35 Mb)
42. Cnoc An Tursa - Winter A Dirge.mp3 (11.35 Mb)
43. Wrath - Pagan Hordes.mp3 (6.67 Mb)
44. Northern Sword - In the Name of Odin.mp3 (15.11 Mb)
45. Utstott - Fodsel av Valhalla.mp3 (15.64 Mb)
46. Death And Glory - Sturm.mp3 (18.6 Mb)
47. Morrigan - Plague, Waste And Death.mp3 (15.2 Mb)
48. Lindisfarne - Warfare.mp3 (5.83 Mb)
49. Baptised In Ice - Nordic Wind.mp3 (13.32 Mb)
50. Manowar - Die With Honor.mp3 (5.83 Mb)
51. Bathory - Vinterblot.mp3 (14.07 Mb)
52. Sleipnir - Warriors Of Thor.mp3 (18.75 Mb)
53. Sleipnir - Vater Odin.mp3 (13.41 Mb)
54. Miecz Wikinga - Czterech Jeźdców Apokalipsy.mp3 (6.93 Mb)
55. Trevor Morris - Sending The Earl To Valhalla.mp3 (6.11 Mb)
56. Valkenrag - Nord Wind.mp3 (8.56 Mb)
57. Trevor Morris - Meeting Floki.mp3 (7.33 Mb)
58. Vanir - Written in Blood.mp3 (14.15 Mb)
59. Wizard - We Won't Die For Metal.mp3 (12.98 Mb)
60. Epic North Music - The Fire In My Soul.mp3 (8.16 Mb)
61. Trevor Morris - Ragnar's Sail.mp3 (5.27 Mb)
62. Manowar - The Crown And The Ring.mp3 (8.6 Mb)
63. Amon Amarth - Wrath of the Norsemen.mp3 (5.39 Mb)
64. Bathory - War Supply.mp3 (6.26 Mb)
65. Trevor Morris - Ragnar Recruits.mp3 (6.18 Mb)
66. Horde Thor - For Our Gods And Our Land.mp3 (5.73 Mb)
67. Northern Lords - Join the Ultimate Battle.mp3 (6.21 Mb)
68. The Artur Dze Project - Ярость топора.mp3 (8.44 Mb)
69. Trevor Morris - Floki's Fire.mp3 (5.09 Mb)
70. Valhalla - Valhalla .mp3 (9.09 Mb)
71. Wizard - Dragon Lords.mp3 (18.03 Mb)
72. Sleipnir - Sleipnir 1991-2001.mp3 (6.78 Mb)
73. Trevor Morris - Ragnar Challenges The Earl.mp3 (5.49 Mb)
74. Galar - Ragnarok.mp3 (8.27 Mb)
75. Trevor Morris - Journey To Kattegat.mp3 (5.41 Mb)
76. Miecz Wikinga - Grona Gniewu.mp3 (6.17 Mb)
77. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - The Viking's Attack The Castle (Battle And Death Of Aella).mp3 (16.35 Mb)
78. Heilung - Afhomon.mp3 (33.28 Mb)
79. Compos Mentis - Dead Among the Dead.mp3 (11.76 Mb)
80. Trevor Morris - Ragnar Takes The Throne.mp3 (4.84 Mb)
Default.txt (5.82 Kb)
image.jpg (1.96 Mb)
01. Compos Mentis - In the Garden of the Dead.mp3 (13.03 Mb)
02. Icethrone - Storm In Midgard.mp3 (15.64 Mb)
03. Rebellion - God of Thunder.mp3 (14.87 Mb)
04. Ultima Thule - The god of light.mp3 (10.71 Mb)
05. Хильд - Волки.mp3 (11.54 Mb)
06. Battlelore - Swordmaster.mp3 (7.59 Mb)
07. Amon Amarth - Under the Northern Star.mp3 (11.23 Mb)
08. Krauka - Valkyrjuk.mp3 (8.93 Mb)
09. Enslaved - Loke.mp3 (8.5 Mb)
10. Wulfgar - Valkyria.mp3 (14.51 Mb)
11. Graveland - Fire and Snow.mp3 (18.58 Mb)
12. Odins Wrath - Draugr.mp3 (13.96 Mb)
13. Almighty Apostles - Live Without Regrets.mp3 (8.17 Mb)
14. Odins Wrath - I Decay.mp3 (10.3 Mb)
15. Nomans Land - Lord Of Seas.mp3 (12.69 Mb)
16. Norden - Smocze Lodzie.mp3 (21.78 Mb)
17. Axut - Hammer Devastation.mp3 (11.54 Mb)
18. Amorgen - Hail To The Heathen God.mp3 (11.83 Mb)
19. Trelleborg - King Of The World.mp3 (7.09 Mb)
20. Ab Noctem - Through Ages Of Wars And Gods.mp3 (11.26 Mb)
21. Folkodia - Eagle's Blood.mp3 (14.02 Mb)
22. Stormlord - Motherland.mp3 (13.09 Mb)
23. Sorgsvart - Vikingtid Og Anarki.mp3 (7.18 Mb)
24. Folkodia - Viking Pride.mp3 (12.8 Mb)
25. Empyrean Plague - Winds From An Ancient Time.mp3 (11.08 Mb)
26. Doomsword - Claidheamh Solais (Sword Of Light).mp3 (17.94 Mb)
27. Galar - Ragnarok.mp3 (13.01 Mb)
28. Sorgsvart - Kill The King.mp3 (8.84 Mb)
29. Welter - Friesche Viking.mp3 (7.78 Mb)
30. Nachtfalke - Odin.mp3 (2.98 Mb)
31. Surturs Lohe - To Walhall We'll Ride.mp3 (9.1 Mb)
32. Odens Raven - Tod der Welt.mp3 (20.8 Mb)
33. Heralder - The Forest.mp3 (9.49 Mb)
34. Halgadom - Holy War.mp3 (14.5 Mb)
35. Fjoergyn - Die Hierarchie Der Engel.mp3 (14.68 Mb)
36. Death and Glory - Loki.mp3 (5.13 Mb)
37. Lindisfarne - The Gates Of Valhalla.mp3 (11.48 Mb)
38. Morrigan - Bloody, Blue Faces.mp3 (15.23 Mb)
39. Skidbladnir - Flug der wachdenden Rabben.mp3 (4.46 Mb)
40. Morrigan - The Valley Of Buried Ships.mp3 (3.46 Mb)
41. Thy Wicked - Revolt of the paganblades.mp3 (10.47 Mb)
42. Iuramentum - Bloody Vengeance.mp3 (16.43 Mb)
43. Baptised in Ice - In the Name of Sword.mp3 (12.77 Mb)
44. Enslaved - Return To Yggrasill.mp3 (15.47 Mb)
45. Cnoc An Tursa - Hail Land of My Fathers.mp3 (9.56 Mb)
46. Interregnum - Wooden Castle.mp3 (7.94 Mb)
47. Trollgasm - Heed The Battle Call.mp3 (7.37 Mb)
48. Drunar - Rise of the Northmen.mp3 (9.96 Mb)
49. Sleipnir - Ancestral Blood.mp3 (23.46 Mb)
50. Barbarians - Man Of Sorrows.mp3 (10.61 Mb)
51. Almighty Apostles - For Victory Or Death.mp3 (6.68 Mb)
52. Horde Thor - Battle Under Thor's Banner.mp3 (6.2 Mb)
53. Miecz Wikinga - żelazne miraże.mp3 (7.77 Mb)
54. Folkearth - Vikings anthem.mp3 (10.27 Mb)
55. Gwydion - The Trickster of Ragnarok.mp3 (14.32 Mb)
56. The Conquering - The Valkyries Ride.mp3 (6.99 Mb)
57. Swords Of Asgard - Battlefield.mp3 (9.66 Mb)
58. Seawolves - Raid Of Lindisfarne.mp3 (13.71 Mb)
59. Northern Sword - For Glory and Gold.mp3 (17.74 Mb)
60. Wrath - March Of The Valkyrie.mp3 (15 Mb)
61. Almighty Apostles - North-Ritual.mp3 (7.51 Mb)
62. Bathory - Death And Resurrection Of Northern Son.mp3 (21.98 Mb)
63. Folkearth - The Will Of Odin.mp3 (13.16 Mb)
64. Hagalaz - Сага О Бьёрне.mp3 (5.45 Mb)
65. War Soul - После Смерти.mp3 (14.19 Mb)
66. Bathory - Broken Sword.mp3 (15.29 Mb)
67. Manowar - The Power Of The Sword.mp3 (13.28 Mb)
68. Odins Law - My Honour.mp3 (10.93 Mb)
69. Ancient Rites - The Return.mp3 (9.88 Mb)
70. Odin - Be the Man you Are.mp3 (8.85 Mb)
71. Amon Amarth - Free Will Sacrifice.mp3 (10.76 Mb)
72. Enslaved - Norvegr.mp3 (27.56 Mb)
73. Bathory - Foreverdark Woods.mp3 (21.07 Mb)
74. Wizard - Battle Of Metal.mp3 (9.11 Mb)
Default.txt (5.18 Kb)
image.jpg (2.52 Mb)
01. Compos Mentis - White Cut, Red Blood.mp3 (12.96 Mb)
02. Nordwind - Road to Walhalla.mp3 (12.58 Mb)
03. Thor - War Hammer.mp3 (6.9 Mb)
04. Battlelore - Northern Crown.mp3 (7.58 Mb)
05. Bathory - Ring Of Gold.mp3 (9.55 Mb)
06. Thor's Hammer - Fuck off and Die.mp3 (7.59 Mb)
07. Amon Amarth - Amon amarth.mp3 (9.31 Mb)
08. Wizard - Death Is My Life.mp3 (10.11 Mb)
09. Ensiferum - Battle Song .mp3 (6.45 Mb)
10. Finntroll - Trollhammaren.mp3 (6.66 Mb)
11. War Soul - Возвращение.mp3 (13.18 Mb)
12. Hagalaz - Смерть Берсерка.mp3 (6.62 Mb)
13. Wrath - Whispers From The Ancients.mp3 (32.5 Mb)
14. Nomans Land - Nornorheim .mp3 (13.2 Mb)
15. Seawolves - Bringers Of War.mp3 (11.57 Mb)
16. Folkearth - Sleipnir.mp3 (12.77 Mb)
17. Forefather - When Our England Died.mp3 (6.46 Mb)
18. Midgaard - Поход.mp3 (23.6 Mb)
19. Northern Sword - Nine Steps of Sorrow.mp3 (17.21 Mb)
20. Mithotyn - Freezing Storms Of Snow.mp3 (8.5 Mb)
21. Nachtfalke - Man of Iron.mp3 (5.17 Mb)
22. Spectral - Lord of Fire.mp3 (13.5 Mb)
23. Thundra - With Power And Might.mp3 (20.29 Mb)
24. Wulfgar - The Three Norns.mp3 (12.54 Mb)
25. Viking - Winter.mp3 (19.69 Mb)
26. Bathory - Flash Of The Silver Hammer.mp3 (11.4 Mb)
27. Swords Of Asgard - Midgard.mp3 (8.71 Mb)
28. Sleipnir - Sons Of The Northern Land.mp3 (23.78 Mb)
29. Enslaved - As Fire Swept Clean The Earth.mp3 (10.93 Mb)
30. Battleroar - Calm Before the Storm.mp3 (16.85 Mb)
31. Ensiferum - Warrior's Quest.mp3 (8.59 Mb)
32. Equilibrium - Die Prophezeiung.mp3 (9 Mb)
33. Gwydion - Viking's horned parody.mp3 (14.43 Mb)
34. Turisas - Stand Up and Fight!.mp3 (14.38 Mb)
35. Tyr - Hold the Heathen Hammer high.mp3 (12.92 Mb)
36. Manowar - Hail And Kill.mp3 (10.09 Mb)
37. Doomsword - One Eyed God.mp3 (12.45 Mb)
38. Empyrean Plague - We Are the North.mp3 (10.25 Mb)
39. Axut - Fallen In War.mp3 (8.21 Mb)
40. Nachtfalke - After Rain and Fire.mp3 (13.17 Mb)
41. Almighty Apostles - Wrath Of The Norsemen.mp3 (5.33 Mb)
42. Wizard - Masters Of The Sea Of Gods.mp3 (10.84 Mb)
43. Amon Amarth - God, His Son And Holy Whore.mp3 (5.55 Mb)
44. Amorgen - The Last Drops Of Our Pagan Blood.mp3 (11.9 Mb)
45. Stormlord - The Oath Of The Legion.mp3 (13.09 Mb)
46. Sorgsvart - Vikingtid Og Anarki.mp3 (28.52 Mb)
47. Nachtfalke - Blood And Iron.mp3 (15.33 Mb)
48. Folkearth - Odin Wills It.mp3 (9.84 Mb)
49. Galar - Hugin Og Munin.mp3 (12.99 Mb)
50. Vrankenvorde - Des Nordens Lichter.mp3 (9.72 Mb)
51. Nomans Land - Nomans Land.mp3 (6.07 Mb)
52. Heralder - Queen of Snowfall.mp3 (10.36 Mb)
53. Graveland - Who Dies First.mp3 (5.42 Mb)
54. Andras - Sword Of Revenge.mp3 (13.37 Mb)
55. Death and Glory - Walhall.mp3 (7.2 Mb)
56. Lindisfarne - Ocean's Fall.mp3 (10.44 Mb)
57. Skidbladnir - Flug der wachenden Raaben.mp3 (4.22 Mb)
58. Feskarn - Oden's Path.mp3 (5.62 Mb)
59. Bornholm - Valhalla.mp3 (21.3 Mb)
60. Thore - Of Black Rain And Frost.mp3 (6.12 Mb)
61. Legacy Of Vydar - My War.mp3 (5.02 Mb)
62. Baptised In Ice - The Begin of Ragnarok.mp3 (6.76 Mb)
63. Hagbard - Warrior's Legacy.mp3 (10.77 Mb)
64. Overload - Gods of Thunder of Wind and of Rain.mp3 (13.69 Mb)
65. Interregnum - Signs Of War.mp3 (7.37 Mb)
66. Bethor - A Fine Day to Die.mp3 (20.94 Mb)
67. The Conquering - The Glorious Return.mp3 (7.01 Mb)
68. Barbarians - Last Battle.mp3 (10.34 Mb)
69. Amon Amarth - Runes To My Memory.mp3 (10.41 Mb)
70. Doomsword - For Those Who Died With Sword In Hand.mp3 (18.96 Mb)
71. Funebre - Hammerheart.mp3 (14.8 Mb)
Default.txt (4.98 Kb)
image.jpg (1.88 Mb)
01. Rebellion - Word Is War.mp3 (12.72 Mb)
02. Bathory - Song To Hall Up High.mp3 (5.49 Mb)
03. War Soul - Моя Свобода (Мой Меч В Бою).mp3 (13.11 Mb)
04. Amon Amarth - An Ancient Sign Of Coming Storm.mp3 (10.38 Mb)
05. Hagalaz - Бой с франками.mp3 (7.99 Mb)
06. Wrath - The Forgotten Forest.mp3 (11.44 Mb)
07. Seawolves - Nordic Storm Approaching.mp3 (10.34 Mb)
08. The Conquering - Forging the Bloodsteel.mp3 (5.73 Mb)
09. Wardruna - Ingwar.mp3 (14.43 Mb)
10. Thyrfing - Fran Stormens Oga.mp3 (20.45 Mb)
11. Folkearth - Heroes In The Sky.mp3 (11.09 Mb)
12. Forefather - Fire From the Sky.mp3 (12.95 Mb)
13. Mithotyn - Ragnarokk.mp3 (4.47 Mb)
14. Iuvenes - Broken Shields, Swords, and Armours.mp3 (19.56 Mb)
15. Nachtfalke - Nordic Warriors.mp3 (11.28 Mb)
16. Spectral - Fire And Blood.mp3 (12.98 Mb)
17. Thundra - Blood Of Your Soul.mp3 (21.34 Mb)
18. Wulfgar - Norsemen Of Steel.mp3 (12.12 Mb)
19. Gwydion - Math of War.mp3 (9.58 Mb)
20. Horde Thor - Hail To Our Gods.mp3 (7.19 Mb)
21. Barbarians - Ancient Pride.mp3 (10.51 Mb)
22. Sleipnir - Once We Were Kings.mp3 (15.81 Mb)
23. Annulond - They Rode to a Whispering Ocean.mp3 (6.83 Mb)
24. Battleroar - Narsil (Refuge the Sword).mp3 (8.89 Mb)
25. Ensiferum - Blood Is The Price Of Glory.mp3 (13.99 Mb)
26. Equilibrium - Nordheim.mp3 (9.25 Mb)
27. Turisas - Hunting Pirates.mp3 (10.42 Mb)
28. Tyr - By the Light of the Northern Star.mp3 (15.49 Mb)
29. Almighty Apostles - Tock's Taunt & Loke's Treachery.mp3 (7.83 Mb)
30. Hagbard - Until The End of Day.mp3 (11.89 Mb)
31. Folkearth - Rulers of the Sea.mp3 (8.71 Mb)
32. Nachtfalke - Men From North.mp3 (8.26 Mb)
33. Baptised In Ice - The Great Father of Thunder and the Wind.mp3 (7.35 Mb)
34. Andras - Chalice Of Dragons Blood.mp3 (11.73 Mb)
35. Amon Amarth - The Hero.mp3 (6.54 Mb)
36. Vrankenvorde - Mutter Norden.mp3 (9.47 Mb)
37. Halgadom - Pagan Warrior.mp3 (16.1 Mb)
38. Nachtfalke - Ode To The Fallen One.mp3 (15.03 Mb)
39. Folkearth - I Am Fire.mp3 (9.15 Mb)
40. Death and Glory - Nordstern.mp3 (11.2 Mb)
41. Welter - The Law of the North.mp3 (12.08 Mb)
42. Manowar - Fighting The World.mp3 (7.26 Mb)
43. Graveland - Sword and Blood.mp3 (6.85 Mb)
44. Sorg Svart - Hagland (Mitt Land).mp3 (22.74 Mb)
45. Thrym - Call of the Valkyrie.mp3 (20.2 Mb)
46. Feskarn - Drinking in the Name of Walhalla.mp3 (5.3 Mb)
47. Ereb Altor - Home Of Once Brave.mp3 (17.07 Mb)
48. Stormlord - The Scarlet Kingdom.mp3 (7.15 Mb)
49. Empyrean Plague - Our Forsaken Homeland.mp3 (10.93 Mb)
50. Doomsword - Death Of Ferdia.mp3 (18.82 Mb)
51. Folkodia - The First Battle Of Moytirra.mp3 (13.15 Mb)
52. Stormlord - Under The Sign Of The Sword.mp3 (14.57 Mb)
53. Dagaz - Father of Victory.mp3 (7.24 Mb)
54. Encorion - Calm Seas.mp3 (8.97 Mb)
55. Encorion - Our Pagan Hearts Reborn.mp3 (8.62 Mb)
56. Feigd - Blood and Dust.mp3 (21.47 Mb)
57. Fenris - As Wolves They Came.mp3 (13.92 Mb)
58. Folkodia - Thus A Viking Dies.mp3 (12.06 Mb)
59. Gjallarhorn - Ragnarok.mp3 (12.26 Mb)
60. Grendel - Of Blood And Glory.mp3 (11.5 Mb)
61. Nordheim - Lost in the North.mp3 (8.38 Mb)
62. Les Batards du Nord - Walkyries.mp3 (13.24 Mb)
63. Incursed - Svolder's Battle.mp3 (14.59 Mb)
64. Nachtfalke - Blood And Iron.mp3 (8.61 Mb)
65. Nasheim - Blood, Fire, Death.mp3 (16.26 Mb)
66. Heidra - The Forging Of The Sword.mp3 (15.21 Mb)
67. Hades - Glorious Again the Northland Shall Become.mp3 (17.68 Mb)
68. Grimnorth - North Storms.mp3 (5.51 Mb)
69. Moonblood - Blood Fire Death.mp3 (14.5 Mb)
70. Mystic Circle - One Rode to Asa Bay.mp3 (14.26 Mb)
Default.txt (5.15 Kb)
image.jpg (1.88 Mb)
01. Bathory - The Sword.mp3 (11.73 Mb)
02. Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God.mp3 (10.65 Mb)
03. Manowar - The Power Of The Sword.mp3 (13.11 Mb)
04. Doomsword - Wrath Of The Gods.mp3 (14.28 Mb)
05. Folkodia - Sword In Hand.mp3 (10.19 Mb)
06. Nomans Land - The Last Son Of The Fjord.mp3 (11.19 Mb)
07. Thyrfing - Home Again.mp3 (20.09 Mb)
08. Folkearth - The Iron Wolf.mp3 (11.97 Mb)
09. Forefather - Iron Hand.mp3 (13.24 Mb)
10. Iuvenes - When Heroes Will Rise.mp3 (21.76 Mb)
11. Mithotyn - Lord Of Ironhand.mp3 (14.21 Mb)
12. Nachtfalke - Valhall.mp3 (9.6 Mb)
13. War Soul - Битва Драккар.mp3 (13.12 Mb)
14. Amon Amarth - Guardians of Asgaard.mp3 (12.38 Mb)
15. Wrath - Dreams Of A Return.mp3 (10.13 Mb)
16. Enslaved - Path To Vanir.mp3 (9.63 Mb)
17. Falkenbach - When Gjallarhorn Will Sound.mp3 (21.8 Mb)
18. Seawolves - To The Ancient Gods.mp3 (13.39 Mb)
19. The Conquering - Come Drink Mead With Us.mp3 (4.35 Mb)
20. Battleroar - Sword of Crom.mp3 (10.66 Mb)
21. Ensiferum - Dragonheads.mp3 (9.7 Mb)
22. Equilibrium - Wingthors Hammer.mp3 (11.68 Mb)
23. Turisas - Broadsword (Jethro Tull).mp3 (13.82 Mb)
24. Tyr - Fields Of The Fallen.mp3 (13.69 Mb)
25. Gwydion - Womb of Fire.mp3 (12.38 Mb)
26. Folkearth - Terror from the Sea.mp3 (12.98 Mb)
27. Nachtfalke - When The Wolves Return.mp3 (7.53 Mb)
28. Almighty Apostles - For Victory Or Death.mp3 (6.51 Mb)
29. Bathory - Blood On Ice.mp3 (7.54 Mb)
30. Horde Thor - Odin.mp3 (8.33 Mb)
31. Barbarians - Desperate War.mp3 (11.24 Mb)
32. Folkearth - When the Gods Doth Return.mp3 (9.53 Mb)
33. Viking - Burning From Within.mp3 (10.84 Mb)
34. Manowar - Holy War.mp3 (8.87 Mb)
35. Folkodia - The Lone Warrior.mp3 (8.88 Mb)
36. Graveland - Storm of Souls.mp3 (9.49 Mb)
37. Thrym - Battleborn.mp3 (18.14 Mb)
38. Feskarn - Oden's Path.mp3 (6.09 Mb)
39. Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side.mp3 (11.11 Mb)
40. Sleipnir - Bloodbrothers I.mp3 (9.4 Mb)
41. Ereb Altor - Blood Fire Death.mp3 (23.74 Mb)
42. Hagbard - Sail To War.mp3 (12.63 Mb)
43. Baptised In Ice - In the Name of Sword.mp3 (8.24 Mb)
44. Dark Inversion - The Land of the Dead Warriors.mp3 (11.3 Mb)
45. Stormlord - I Am Legend.mp3 (14.12 Mb)
46. Morrigan - Boiling Blood.mp3 (11.48 Mb)
47. Andras - Swords Of Divine Hate.mp3 (12.61 Mb)
48. Bathory - Through Blood By Thunder.mp3 (8.06 Mb)
49. Stormlord - The Death Of Medusa.mp3 (8.91 Mb)
50. Doomsword - The Great Horn.mp3 (19.65 Mb)
51. Dagaz - Launching The Ships.mp3 (8.43 Mb)
52. Encorion - We Will Rise.mp3 (6.75 Mb)
53. Fenris - The Blood Opens Gateways.mp3 (14.4 Mb)
54. Folkodia - Bound For Valhalla.mp3 (14.18 Mb)
55. Sentinum - Battle of Sentinum.mp3 (8.8 Mb)
56. Gjallarhorn - The Day Odin Stood Still.mp3 (17.03 Mb)
57. Gnipahellir - Viking.mp3 (6.4 Mb)
58. Hades - Pagan Triumph.mp3 (10.81 Mb)
59. Heidra - Lone Warrior.mp3 (19.11 Mb)
60. Incursed - Northern Winds.mp3 (15.79 Mb)
61. Les Batards Du Nord - Batards Du Nord.mp3 (15.86 Mb)
62. Mzoraxc - Defending The Northline.mp3 (10.43 Mb)
63. Nauglir - Ragnarok Is Coming.mp3 (10.93 Mb)
64. Night Symphony - Born in Blood.mp3 (6.59 Mb)
65. Vallorch - Voices of North.mp3 (15.19 Mb)
66. Sylvus - The Return.mp3 (6.36 Mb)
67. Stormlord - Stormlord.mp3 (13.79 Mb)
68. Skoll - Bloodstorm.mp3 (19.62 Mb)
69. Lustre - Blood, Fire, Death.mp3 (12.25 Mb)
70. Skalmold - Valholl.mp3 (14.11 Mb)
71. Moonblood - Blood Fire Death.mp3 (14.96 Mb)
72. Sigtyr - Ancient Lost Kingdom.mp3 (10.77 Mb)
Default.txt (4.89 Kb)
image.jpg (2.34 Mb)
01. Bathory - Blood Fire Death.mp3 (16.89 Mb)
02. Amon Amarth - Eyes of Horror.mp3 (6.57 Mb)
03. WarSoul - Новый Бог.mp3 (16.89 Mb)
04. Doomsword - Warbringers.mp3 (17.48 Mb)
05. Burzum - Heill Odinn.mp3 (9.77 Mb)
06. Bathory - The Lake .mp3 (8.6 Mb)
07. Horde Thor - Ragnarok.mp3 (9.63 Mb)
08. Barbarians - The Supreme Sword.mp3 (13 Mb)
09. Sleipnir - Bloodbrothers II.mp3 (6.82 Mb)
10. Manowar - Call To Arms.mp3 (10.03 Mb)
11. Thor - Throwing Cars at People on Coke with Thor.mp3 (6.54 Mb)
12. Wizard - Sword Of Vengeance.mp3 (8.1 Mb)
13. Windrider - The King Under The Mountain.mp3 (11.57 Mb)
14. Manowar - Hail To England.mp3 (8.51 Mb)
15. Night Symphony - The Awakening.mp3 (6.49 Mb)
16. Nordheim - Watch The Raven Die.mp3 (13.28 Mb)
17. Vallorch - Voices Of North.mp3 (10.27 Mb)
18. Morrigan - The Gallic War.mp3 (15.96 Mb)
19. Gjallarhorn - Ragnarok.mp3 (12.09 Mb)
20. Fenris - The Call Has Come.mp3 (10.42 Mb)
21. Folkodia - The Immortals Of Thule.mp3 (7.85 Mb)
22. Andras - Warrior's Hill.mp3 (20.03 Mb)
23. Vanir - By The Hammer They Fall.mp3 (11 Mb)
24. Stormlord - Dawn Of Winter Solstice.mp3 (9.61 Mb)
25. Folkodia - The Immortals Of Thule.mp3 (15.9 Mb)
26. Bathory - For All Those Who Died.mp3 (9.29 Mb)
27. Doomsword - Swords Of Doom .mp3 (13.34 Mb)
28. Stormlord - Immortal Heroes.mp3 (11.59 Mb)
29. Pactum - Blood, Fire, Death.mp3 (11.46 Mb)
30. Incursed - Die By The Sword.mp3 (11.91 Mb)
31. Doomsword - Resound The Horn (Odin's Hail).mp3 (21.93 Mb)
32. Hades - Apocalyptic Prophecies (The Sign Of Hades).mp3 (16.09 Mb)
33. Nebiros - The Stallion.mp3 (9.81 Mb)
34. Folkodia - Into Battle.mp3 (14.54 Mb)
35. Gjallarhorn - Blood over Asgard.mp3 (11.18 Mb)
36. Folkodia - Dragonslayer.mp3 (11.33 Mb)
37. Legion Of Thor - Die Schwarze Fahne.mp3 (12.24 Mb)
38. Nastrandir - Gods Of Thunder Of Wind And Of Rain.mp3 (15.79 Mb)
39. Nordheim - Under A Crying Storm.mp3 (13.74 Mb)
40. Hades - Awakening Of King.mp3 (16.54 Mb)
41. Heidra - The Forging of the Sword.mp3 (7.81 Mb)
42. Incursed - Nordwaldtaler.mp3 (17.62 Mb)
43. Lord Wind - Father of Wisdom.mp3 (14.68 Mb)
44. Mzoraxc - Defending The Northline.mp3 (10.56 Mb)
45. Nauglir - By The Path Of War.mp3 (11 Mb)
46. Odin's Court - Tartaros.mp3 (4.14 Mb)
47. Night Symphony - Civil War.mp3 (7.63 Mb)
48. Nordheim - Get Drunk Or Die Tryin.mp3 (9.21 Mb)
49. Sentinum - Unfinished Hero.mp3 (10.65 Mb)
50. Shadowbreed - Warriors Blood.mp3 (10.01 Mb)
51. Stormlord - War.mp3 (13.14 Mb)
52. Thurs - Nord For Asgard.mp3 (10.89 Mb)
53. Crimfall - Son Of North.mp3 (14.73 Mb)
54. Vanir - Sons of the North.mp3 (11.52 Mb)
55. Manegarm - Hymn Till Vinternatt.mp3 (6.14 Mb)
56. Vanir - Warriors of Asgard.mp3 (8.82 Mb)
57. Gwydion - Fighting to the End.mp3 (15.04 Mb)
58. Aurvandil - Through Hordanes Land.mp3 (27.11 Mb)
59. Aegir - Fimbul Winter.mp3 (10.36 Mb)
60. Valensorow - Storms.mp3 (8.17 Mb)
61. Говнилиум - Sea Wolf.mp3 (9.89 Mb)
62. Manegarm - I Nordstjarnans Sken.mp3 (6.39 Mb)
63. Night Creepers - Of Swords and Axes.mp3 (8.1 Mb)
64. Valkyria - Nordens Galdr.mp3 (10.59 Mb)
65. Sjuk - Frojd's Booze.mp3 (6.53 Mb)
66. Ereb Altor - Winter.mp3 (9.53 Mb)
67. Aegir - As Northern Spirits Crown Me King.mp3 (9.59 Mb)
68. Vargaresa - Hymn Till Vinternatt.mp3 (11.06 Mb)
69. Wolves of Hate - Lords of War.mp3 (8.01 Mb)
70. Hel - Ode Varld.mp3 (13.23 Mb)
71. Valkyria - Ara Fran Nord.mp3 (11.13 Mb)
72. Manegarm - Nordanblod.mp3 (8.74 Mb)
73. Stormheit - Worship The Glory Of Battle.mp3 (13.95 Mb)
74. Sjuk - On The Sea.mp3 (6.43 Mb)
75. Prophanity - To The Land Beyond The Poisoned Sea.mp3 (8.62 Mb)
76. Blodravn - Of Swords and Honour.mp3 (8.09 Mb)
77. Allegiance - The Crimson Web of Battle.mp3 (9.83 Mb)
78. Bathory - The Ravens.mp3 (3.52 Mb)
79. Thor - Battlestreet.mp3 (12.77 Mb)
80. Epic North - Fight for Glory.mp3 (6.37 Mb)
Default.txt (5.46 Kb)
image.jpg (2.47 Mb)
01. War Soul - Герой Войны.mp3 (20.87 Mb)
02. Krauka - Norden for Tronhjem.mp3 (9.84 Mb)
03. Nordwind - Words of Odin.mp3 (13.36 Mb)
04. Burzum - To Hel and Back Again.mp3 (26.46 Mb)
05. Bathory - The Revenge Of The Blood On Ice.mp3 (10.88 Mb)
06. Horde Thor - A Vikingo.mp3 (5.92 Mb)
07. Manowar - Fight Until We Die.mp3 (7.38 Mb)
08. Baptised In Ice - Warrior Of Ice.mp3 (14.71 Mb)
09. Wizard - The Power God.mp3 (9.22 Mb)
10. Thor - Now Comes the Storm.mp3 (7.06 Mb)
11. Legacy of Vydar - Not The End.mp3 (10.25 Mb)
12. Epic North - Sunhammer.mp3 (7.4 Mb)
13. Trevor Morris - Vikings Attack Village.mp3 (5.47 Mb)
14. Wizard - Messenger Of Death.mp3 (14.71 Mb)
15. Morrigan - The Gallic War.mp3 (15.35 Mb)
16. Epic North - Oceanstorm.mp3 (9.12 Mb)
17. Morrigan - Life, Death And The Here After.mp3 (17.36 Mb)
18. Thy Wicked - Wolfsfaeller.mp3 (13.06 Mb)
19. Death and Glory - Wotans Soehne.mp3 (6.96 Mb)
20. Andras - Pagan Path.mp3 (13.49 Mb)
21. Epic North - Fallen.mp3 (9.03 Mb)
22. Doomsword - Song Of The Black Sword.mp3 (11.92 Mb)
23. Encorion - Fire Of Freedom.mp3 (7.6 Mb)
24. Doomsword - Onward Into Battle.mp3 (19.48 Mb)
25. Ereb Altor - Song To Hall Up High.mp3 (8.7 Mb)
26. Doomsword - Blood Eagle.mp3 (20.58 Mb)
27. Trevor Morris - Vikings Sail Home.mp3 (5.5 Mb)
28. Thor - Ragnarok.mp3 (5.37 Mb)
29. Diadem - Through Storms We Tread.mp3 (14.67 Mb)
30. Folkodia - Thus A Viking Dies.mp3 (10.05 Mb)
31. Amon Amarth - Back On Northern Shores.mp3 (18.21 Mb)
32. Fejd - Yggdrasil.mp3 (9.35 Mb)
33. Hades - The Dawn Of The Dying Sun.mp3 (9.95 Mb)
34. Incursed - Warrior's Nightmare.mp3 (17.42 Mb)
35. Nordheim - Promise To The Gods.mp3 (9.47 Mb)
36. Pimea Metsa - Ragnarok.mp3 (12.79 Mb)
37. Nordheim - Soulblood.mp3 (15.94 Mb)
38. Stormlord - War.mp3 (11.67 Mb)
39. Faun - Raven.mp3 (15.77 Mb)
40. Vanir - Onwards Into Battle.mp3 (10.39 Mb)
41. Corvus Corax - Baldr.mp3 (9.78 Mb)
42. Les Batards Du Nord - Batards Du Nord.mp3 (15.38 Mb)
43. Krauka - Loki.mp3 (4.63 Mb)
44. Prophanity - Messenger Of The Northern Warrior Host.mp3 (10.33 Mb)
45. Manegarm - Fadernas Kall (Under Hojda Nordbaner).mp3 (11.36 Mb)
46. Valkyria - Vasens Hymner.mp3 (11.06 Mb)
47. Hel - Valkyriors Dom.mp3 (13.31 Mb)
48. Wolves of Hate - Blood, Death, Honor.mp3 (7.82 Mb)
49. Stormheit - Ruins (Warrior's Blood).mp3 (22.17 Mb)
50. Wizard - War Butcher.mp3 (10.73 Mb)
51. Bathory - Death From Above.mp3 (12.38 Mb)
52. Night Creepers - Stormbringers.mp3 (9.21 Mb)
53. Говнилиум - Vinterblot.mp3 (9.99 Mb)
54. Trevor Morris - Vikings Reach Land.mp3 (5.77 Mb)
55. Crimfall - The Writ Of Sword.mp3 (17.64 Mb)
56. Valensorow - With an Iron Fist.mp3 (7.3 Mb)
57. Allegiance - Med Svard I Hand.mp3 (8.2 Mb)
58. Aurvandil - A Guide to Northern Scapes.mp3 (18.48 Mb)
59. Allegiance - Hedna Stеl (Hymn Till Nordens Hjaltar).mp3 (20.35 Mb)
60. Bathory - Home Of Once Brave.mp3 (8.03 Mb)
61. Folkearth - Odin Wills It.mp3 (9.82 Mb)
62. Ereb Altor - Bloodline.mp3 (26.07 Mb)
63. Heilung - Alfadhirhaiti.mp3 (17.44 Mb)
64. Blind Guardian - Twilight Of The Gods.mp3 (12.92 Mb)
65. Wardruna - Tyr.mp3 (16.74 Mb)
66. Epic North - Rising Storm.mp3 (8.43 Mb)
67. Trevor Morris - Vikings In Hexham.mp3 (8.06 Mb)
68. Nachtfalke - Wrath Of Old Gods.mp3 (6.1 Mb)
Default.txt (4.65 Kb)
image.jpg (1.86 Mb)
01. War Soul - Перед Смертью.mp3 (17.82 Mb)
02. Aurvandil - Summon The Storms.mp3 (44.97 Mb)
03. Amon Amarth - Metalwrath.mp3 (5.55 Mb)
04. Ealtor - The Final War.mp3 (29.07 Mb)
05. Enthring - Wolf and the Wintercold.mp3 (11.19 Mb)
06. Epicland - Warrior's Path.mp3 (7.88 Mb)
07. Falkenbach - Baldurs Tod.mp3 (15.55 Mb)
08. Epicland - True Metal Warrior.mp3 (7.93 Mb)
09. Ereb Altor - Fire Meets Ice.mp3 (19.24 Mb)
10. Epicland - Sword Crafter.mp3 (8.86 Mb)
11. Ereb Altor - By Honour.mp3 (21.33 Mb)
12. Exsilium - Heathen blood.mp3 (8.21 Mb)
13. Burzum - God from the Machine.mp3 (5.89 Mb)
14. Frekkr - Ragnarok.mp3 (11.38 Mb)
15. Fyrdung - Time For War.mp3 (6.42 Mb)
16. Hel - Valkyriors Dom.mp3 (13.5 Mb)
17. Falkenbach - Winternight.mp3 (8.03 Mb)
18. Krauka - Jomsvikingerne.mp3 (7.07 Mb)
19. Fyrdung - Nordisk Rennessans.mp3 (15.25 Mb)
20. Helcaraxe - Ragnarok.mp3 (4.75 Mb)
21. Himinbjorg - And To Fight Forever.mp3 (9.59 Mb)
22. Helcaraxe - Into The Fire And The Sky.mp3 (7.52 Mb)
23. Himinbjorg - The Law Of The Worship.mp3 (9.99 Mb)
24. Helcaraxe - Circle Of Firelight.mp3 (6.04 Mb)
25. Himinbjorg - Lightning Of Blood.mp3 (12.77 Mb)
26. Immemorial - A Chance to Live Again.mp3 (6.64 Mb)
27. In Battle - Blood Divine.mp3 (7.51 Mb)
28. Iphicrate - Prelude des forces du Nord.mp3 (4.39 Mb)
29. Irminsul - Neverending Story.mp3 (11.09 Mb)
30. In Battle - In Battle.mp3 (12.69 Mb)
31. Jotunheim - Ragnarok.mp3 (16.67 Mb)
32. Diadem - Dragon's Flight.mp3 (11.39 Mb)
33. Horde Thor - Sword.mp3 (9.46 Mb)
34. Thousand Year War - Weep As We Die.mp3 (5.52 Mb)
35. Kingsblood - A Warriors Past.mp3 (6.84 Mb)
36. Manegarm - Pagan war.mp3 (10.76 Mb)
37. Myrkvedr - Odens Prophecy.mp3 (6.57 Mb)
38. Nattsmyg - Death Keeps Me Near.mp3 (14.05 Mb)
39. Nightcreepers - Battle Through The Wind.mp3 (9.24 Mb)
40. Northsong - Let Death Be Our Pride.mp3 (18.39 Mb)
41. Odhinn - From a Splendourus Battle.mp3 (16.21 Mb)
42. Prophanity - Walking Through Fire.mp3 (8.05 Mb)
43. Fyrdung - Ragnarok.mp3 (10.41 Mb)
44. Prophanity - Battleroar.mp3 (11.45 Mb)
45. Sjuk - Einherjar In The Valholl.mp3 (9.73 Mb)
46. Skald - En Hostlig Storm.mp3 (6.75 Mb)
47. Sphera Noctis - Wish for War.mp3 (11.06 Mb)
48. Stormheit - Landscapes Shining Death.mp3 (13.08 Mb)
49. The Vala - Serenity - The Calm Before The Storm.mp3 (3.43 Mb)
50. Thousand Year War - No Gods, No Masters.mp3 (14.09 Mb)
51. Trollhammer - Ragnarok Out.mp3 (5.93 Mb)
52. Thousand Year War - Tyrants And Men.mp3 (9.61 Mb)
53. Valkyria - Odins Jakt.mp3 (8.88 Mb)
54. Vindland - And The Battle Ended.mp3 (15.1 Mb)
55. Sleipnir - Bloodbrothers III.mp3 (6.63 Mb)
56. Winter Axe - A Call To Arms.mp3 (5.58 Mb)
57. Wolves of Hate - Wotan's Blood.mp3 (7.59 Mb)
58. Manowar - Fight For Freedom.mp3 (8.11 Mb)
59. Ymir's Blood - Odin and the Priestess.mp3 (8.94 Mb)
60. Samael - Valkyrie's New Ride.mp3 (5.62 Mb)
61. Apraxia - The Viking's Saga.mp3 (11.02 Mb)
62. Рихард Вагнер - Полёт Валькирий.mp3 (11.32 Mb)
63. Diadem - The Quiet Before Storms.mp3 (8.61 Mb)
64. Baptised In Ice - Warrior of Ice.mp3 (10.45 Mb)
65. Andras - Warlord.mp3 (17.52 Mb)
66. Doomsword - The Doomsword.mp3 (19.92 Mb)
67. Dagaz - Battle-Song of the Jomsvikings.mp3 (7.23 Mb)
68. Doomsword - Eternal Battle.mp3 (13.85 Mb)
69. Windrider - Let Death Be Our Pride.mp3 (12.3 Mb)
70. Morkemen - Viking.mp3 (8.93 Mb)
71. Morrigan - Cranking Battleharps.mp3 (8.5 Mb)
72. Stormheit - A Fallen Kingdom.mp3 (19.99 Mb)
73. Minjar - From Thane To King.mp3 (12.76 Mb)
74. Andras - Soldiers Of Twilight.mp3 (15.33 Mb)
75. Krauka - Vejen Til Vinland.mp3 (5.89 Mb)
76. Bathory - The Woodwoman.mp3 (7.79 Mb)
77. Epic North - A Hero Will Rise.mp3 (7.89 Mb)
Default.txt (5.26 Kb)
image.jpg (2.05 Mb)
01. Bathory - Mother Earth Father Thunder.mp3 (14.69 Mb)
02. Folkodia - Sword Of Kings.mp3 (11.49 Mb)
03. Enslaved - Ruun.mp3 (12.84 Mb)
04. Doomsword - Swords Of Doom.mp3 (16.82 Mb)
05. Rosae Crucis - Blood Steel.mp3 (12.6 Mb)
06. Hel - Valkyriors dom.mp3 (6.03 Mb)
07. Himinbjorg - Death Of A King.mp3 (8.03 Mb)
08. Helcaraxe - The Battle Of Unnumbered Tears.mp3 (4.09 Mb)
09. Himinbjorg - The Voice Of Blood.mp3 (31.57 Mb)
10. Helcaraxe - Northmen.mp3 (6.29 Mb)
11. In Battle - King God.mp3 (8.72 Mb)
12. Thousand Year War - Gather the Wolves.mp3 (5.91 Mb)
13. Kingsblood - A King Reborn.mp3 (6.77 Mb)
14. Manegarm - Legions Of The North.mp3 (12.62 Mb)
15. Myrkvedr - Beast of War.mp3 (4.55 Mb)
16. Nightcreepers - Pursuit Of The Wolf.mp3 (8.42 Mb)
17. Northsong - Heathen War.mp3 (15.1 Mb)
18. Odhinn - Deseech The Fire.mp3 (8.91 Mb)
19. Prophanity - The Batleroar.mp3 (7.81 Mb)
20. Graveland - While I Ride With The Valkyries.mp3 (27.81 Mb)
21. Stormlord - A Descent Into The Kingdom Of The Shades.mp3 (15.44 Mb)
22. Folkodia - Battlecry.mp3 (11.29 Mb)
23. Dagaz - Riding 'Til the End.mp3 (13.23 Mb)
24. Doomsword - Warbringers.mp3 (10.8 Mb)
25. Encorion - Rading Storms.mp3 (26.19 Mb)
26. Thousand Year War - Thousand Year War.mp3 (10.48 Mb)
27. Valkyria - Nordens Skog.mp3 (10.06 Mb)
28. Doomsword - Deathbringer.mp3 (19.55 Mb)
29. Vindland - The Warrior's Fall.mp3 (15.5 Mb)
30. Folkodia - The Swords Of King Harald.mp3 (11.76 Mb)
31. Wolves of Hate - Northern Destroyers.mp3 (7.42 Mb)
32. Folkodia - Bound For Valhalla.mp3 (9.56 Mb)
33. Prophanity - Beast Of The North.mp3 (11.99 Mb)
34. Diadem - Rain Upon A Shattered Sword.mp3 (17.61 Mb)
35. Stormheit - Storming Heathen Blood.mp3 (11.63 Mb)
36. Thousand Year War - The Sea.mp3 (10.89 Mb)
37. Epicland - Blood on my Sword.mp3 (7.11 Mb)
38. Nordheim - Beyond the Howling North.mp3 (12.12 Mb)
39. In Battle - A Sign of Northern Triumph and Glory.mp3 (10.34 Mb)
40. Heralder - Battleground.mp3 (6.14 Mb)
41. Richard Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries.mp3 (11.07 Mb)
42. Welter - Travel Over Land and Sea.mp3 (5.71 Mb)
43. Borgarholt - Thor.mp3 (20.59 Mb)
44. Der Henker - Inhuman Breed Of Death.mp3 (14.97 Mb)
45. Hades - Pagan Prayer.mp3 (16.15 Mb)
46. Thurs - Raise Your Sword.mp3 (17.63 Mb)
47. Carcereduro - Peuple du nord.mp3 (7.65 Mb)
48. Aegir - Crossing the High Seas.mp3 (10.52 Mb)
49. Lunar Eclipse - Road to Valhalla.mp3 (13.12 Mb)
50. Drekar - When The Ax Falls.mp3 (6.72 Mb)
51. Morrigan - Enter The Sea Of Flames.mp3 (9.97 Mb)
52. Encorion - Farewell To The Living.mp3 (9.45 Mb)
53. Folkodia - Ancient Forest Of Elves.mp3 (7.1 Mb)
54. Heidra - The Power of Gods.mp3 (13.17 Mb)
55. Amattr - Valkyries Ride.mp3 (13.99 Mb)
56. Ereb Altor - Winter Wonderland.mp3 (10.02 Mb)
57. Angeli di Pietra - Last Flight of the Valkyries.mp3 (12.94 Mb)
58. Apocalypse - Now the cavalcade of valkyries.mp3 (6.18 Mb)
59. Aska - Valkyries .mp3 (13.1 Mb)
60. Stormheit - One Eye (The Bringer Of War & Chaos).mp3 (14.55 Mb)
61. Battleroar - Valkyries Above Us.mp3 (21.93 Mb)
62. Inferno - Ride Of The Valkyries Destruction Day.mp3 (13.01 Mb)
63. Dragon Teenager - War of the Valkyries.mp3 (6.45 Mb)
64. Hildr Valkyrie - Valkyries Came To The Battle That Day.mp3 (8.94 Mb)
65. Dark Oath - The Mighty Valkyries.mp3 (14.62 Mb)
66. Amon Amarth - Valkyries Ride.mp3 (11.3 Mb)
67. Helcaraxe - Broadsword.mp3 (7.52 Mb)
68. Manowar - Warriors Of The World United.mp3 (9.78 Mb)
69. In Battle - Storms of War.mp3 (8.84 Mb)
70. Enslaved - The Winter Kingdom.mp3 (6.25 Mb)
Default.txt (5.15 Kb)
image.jpg (1.8 Mb)
01. Bathory - Father To Son.mp3 (8.02 Mb)
02. Himinbjorg - War.mp3 (9.66 Mb)
03. Amon Amarth - The Mighty Doors Of The Speargod's Hall.mp3 (15.17 Mb)
04. Helcaraxe - Eye Of Fire.mp3 (10.41 Mb)
05. In Battle - Odhinn.mp3 (8.9 Mb)
06. Enslaved - Midgards Eldar.mp3 (27.9 Mb)
07. Helcaraxe - God Slayer.mp3 (5.9 Mb)
08. Himinbjorg - Entering Odin's Huge Palace.mp3 (10.05 Mb)
09. Bathory - Enter The Eternal Fire.mp3 (8.46 Mb)
10. Nordwind - Walhalla ruft!.mp3 (4.8 Mb)
11. Thor - Ride Hard, Live Free.mp3 (10.73 Mb)
12. Manegarm - Sons Of War.mp3 (14.91 Mb)
13. Nightcreepers - Siegfried The Dragonslayer.mp3 (10.01 Mb)
14. Northsong - Winter's Dominion.mp3 (14.42 Mb)
15. Odhinn - Elder Gods Of The North.mp3 (9.01 Mb)
16. Prophanity - Awaiting Your Valkyries Arrival.mp3 (8.89 Mb)
17. Kylfinga - Helheim.mp3 (16.55 Mb)
18. Prophanity - Fate Of The Gods.mp3 (13 Mb)
19. Sjuk - On The Sea.mp3 (13.46 Mb)
20. Thor - The Coming of Thor.mp3 (8.4 Mb)
21. Thor's Hammer - Young Blood.mp3 (10.42 Mb)
22. Valkyrie's Cry - Iron Sword.mp3 (12.67 Mb)
23. Thousand Year War - Thousand Year War.mp3 (10.75 Mb)
24. Vindland - North Winds.mp3 (11.7 Mb)
25. Volund Smed - Nordanvind.mp3 (7.21 Mb)
26. Wolves of Hate - Of Heroes and Legends.mp3 (9.72 Mb)
27. Ymir's Blood - Part III Fire and Blood.mp3 (8.91 Mb)
28. Apraxia - Barbaric Hordes From North .mp3 (9.23 Mb)
29. Manowar - The Dawn Of Battle.mp3 (17.53 Mb)
30. In Battle - Ruler of the Nothern Sphere.mp3 (9.41 Mb)
31. Odins Law - Stand Proud.mp3 (5.44 Mb)
32. Epic North - Iron Warriors.mp3 (6.79 Mb)
33. Berlin Philharmonic - Ride of the Valkyries.mp3 (7.08 Mb)
34. Cardinals Folly - Valkyries I Avenge.mp3 (13.98 Mb)
35. Chicha Libre - The Ride of the Valkyries.mp3 (11.47 Mb)
36. Deaths Head - Valkyries have flown.mp3 (9.61 Mb)
37. Domine - The Ride Of The Valkyries.mp3 (10.38 Mb)
38. Donars Groll - See The Valkyries.mp3 (8.37 Mb)
39. Die Walkure - Ride Of The Valkyries.mp3 (20.22 Mb)
40. Enharjarna - Ride of the valkyries.mp3 (11.1 Mb)
41. Grabak - The Valkyries.mp3 (9.89 Mb)
42. Grifin - Carried by the Valkyries.mp3 (8.59 Mb)
43. Samael - Valkyries New Ride.mp3 (11.02 Mb)
44. Ragnarok - Ride Of The Valkyries (Of Gods And Norns).mp3 (21.09 Mb)
45. War - Thunder Valkyries.mp3 (10.66 Mb)
46. Valknacht - Valkyries Still Ride.mp3 (17.24 Mb)
47. Wizard - Hall Of Odin.mp3 (9.12 Mb)
48. Wurttemberg State Orchestra - Ride of the Valkyries.mp3 (6.95 Mb)
49. The Samans - Ride of the Valkyries.mp3 (12.29 Mb)
50. Borknagar - Gods Of My World.mp3 (6.16 Mb)
51. Budapest Symphony Orchestra - Walkurenritt.mp3 (14.61 Mb)
52. Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra - The Valkyrie.mp3 (11.32 Mb)
53. Kylfinga - Ut a Valhallaba.mp3 (10.12 Mb)
54. Thor - Let the Blood Run Red.mp3 (7.99 Mb)
55. Epic North - Cyber Viking.mp3 (8.2 Mb)
56. Benjamin Wallfisch - Hammer Of The Gods.mp3 (7.6 Mb)
57. Johansson - Forest song.mp3 (13.27 Mb)
58. Forefather - Iron Hand.mp3 (6.45 Mb)
59. Doomsword - In The Battlefield.mp3 (14.29 Mb)
60. Bathory - Death And Resurrection Of A Northern Son.mp3 (17.04 Mb)
61. Folkearth - Rhyming With Thunder.mp3 (7.52 Mb)
62. Legion Of Thor - Die, Die An Nichts Mehr Glauben.mp3 (9.85 Mb)
63. Richard Beddow - The Soul of Midgard.mp3 (8.46 Mb)
64. Walter Mair - The Battle for Darkwater.mp3 (7.64 Mb)
65. Simon Ravn - The Battle for Holdenfort.mp3 (7.01 Mb)
66. Ancient Rites - Fatherland.mp3 (20.92 Mb)
67. Nomans Land - The Call Of Ancestors.mp3 (6.56 Mb)
68. Benjamin Wallfisch - Mountain Fight.mp3 (6.68 Mb)
69. Enslaved - Thoughts Like Hammers.mp3 (23.84 Mb)
70. Benjamin Wallfisch - Fight To The Death.mp3 (13.93 Mb)
71. Epic North - Odin.mp3 (5.37 Mb)
72. Wizard - Spill the Blood of Our Enemies.mp3 (12.42 Mb)
73. Peter Peter & Peter Kyed - Valhalla Rising.mp3 (3.82 Mb)
74. Giles Lamb & Douglas MacDougall - Forest.mp3 (5.97 Mb)
75. Trevor Morris - Battle Field.mp3 (6.62 Mb)
76. Folkodia - Sword Of The Vandea.mp3 (11.17 Mb)
77. Ereb Altor - Post Ragnarok.mp3 (10.43 Mb)
78. Allegiance - De Nordiska Lagren.mp3 (10.74 Mb)
79. In Battle - Armies of the Northern Realms.mp3 (12.65 Mb)
80. Northsong - Northern Blood.mp3 (8.68 Mb)
Default.txt (6.07 Kb)
image.jpg (2.09 Mb)
01. Nordwind - Hand in Hand.mp3 (4.84 Mb)
02. Wizard - Calm Of The Storm.mp3 (11.31 Mb)
03. Bathory - Bond Of Blood.mp3 (8.97 Mb)
04. Thor - I Am Thor.mp3 (7.46 Mb)
05. Epic North - Battlescars.mp3 (8.91 Mb)
06. Benjamin Wallfisch - Valhalla.mp3 (5.85 Mb)
07. Thor - Anger.mp3 (8.03 Mb)
08. Manowar - Sign Of The Hamme.mp3 (7.96 Mb)
09. Walter Mair - The Battle for Caldberg.mp3 (6.98 Mb)
10. Simon Ravn & Walter Mair - Nordor Holm Caves.mp3 (7.81 Mb)
11. Walter Mair - The Town of Thornivik.mp3 (4.37 Mb)
12. Richard Beddow, Walter Mair, Simon Ravn - The Fire Caves.mp3 (8.71 Mb)
13. Odins Law - The Day Freedom Dies.mp3 (12.13 Mb)
14. Graveland - Fire Chariot Of Destruction .mp3 (14.14 Mb)
15. Peter Peter & Peter Kyed - Valhalla Rising.mp3 (11.85 Mb)
16. Trevor Morris - The Eye Of Odin.mp3 (4.33 Mb)
17. Amon Amarth - Masters of War.mp3 (12.49 Mb)
18. Thousand Year War - The Storm I Ride.mp3 (10.14 Mb)
19. In Battle - Endless War.mp3 (10.49 Mb)
20. Thousand Year War - No Gods, No Masters.mp3 (12.97 Mb)
21. Ymir's Blood - Fire And Blood.mp3 (19.19 Mb)
22. Manegarm - Forged In Fire.mp3 (16.31 Mb)
23. Odhinn - Speech Of Odin.mp3 (4.51 Mb)
24. Doomsword - Battle At The End Of Time.mp3 (14.33 Mb)
25. Odhinn - War Eternal.mp3 (5.91 Mb)
26. Prophanity - Walking Through Fire.mp3 (11.42 Mb)
27. Stormheit - Memories Within Your Blood.mp3 (11.62 Mb)
28. Ravenant - Valkyries Flight.mp3 (9.87 Mb)
29. Manowar - Blood Of My Enemies.mp3 (7.87 Mb)
30. The Randy Waldman Trio - Ride Of The Valkyries.mp3 (15.42 Mb)
31. Ymir's Blood - Odin And The Priestess.mp3 (19.78 Mb)
32. Wolves Under Sail - Cheers For The Victorious Dead.mp3 (7.1 Mb)
33. Heidra - Wolfborn.mp3 (14.7 Mb)
34. Wizard - Dragons Death.mp3 (10.77 Mb)
35. The Crescents - Ride Of Valkyries.mp3 (10.73 Mb)
36. Solefald - Crater Of The Valkyries.mp3 (21.16 Mb)
37. Ravenous - The Valkyries Rise.mp3 (5.83 Mb)
38. Richard Beddow - The Fall of Drakan.mp3 (6.19 Mb)
39. Messenger - Valkyries.mp3 (17.66 Mb)
40. Simon Ravn - Skarin and Hel's Final Battle.mp3 (6.8 Mb)
41. Odins Law - To Death we Ride.mp3 (10.14 Mb)
42. Folkearth - Before Battle I Embrace.mp3 (11.12 Mb)
43. Falkenbach - Winternight.mp3 (11.96 Mb)
44. Bathory - Kill Kill Kill.mp3 (9.27 Mb)
45. Amon Amarth - Deceiver of the Gods.mp3 (11.93 Mb)
46. Richard Beddow - Hel's Fortress Battle.mp3 (7.18 Mb)
47. Trevor Morris - Of Fathers And Sons.mp3 (3.7 Mb)
48. Manowar - Overture To The Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors.mp3 (16.52 Mb)
49. Valtyr - Fallen In Blood.mp3 (14.03 Mb)
50. Boguslaw Balcerak's Crylord - Gates Of Valhalla.mp3 (13.49 Mb)
51. Wizard - Loki's Punishment.mp3 (9.11 Mb)
52. Epic North Music - Stand And Fight.mp3 (6.68 Mb)
53. Bathory - Sudden Death.mp3 (9.65 Mb)
54. Amon Amarth - Blood Eagle.mp3 (9.51 Mb)
55. Odins Law - Odins Eye.mp3 (11.46 Mb)
56. Thor - When gods collide.mp3 (9.27 Mb)
57. Nordwind - In Odins Reich.mp3 (10.54 Mb)
58. Les Batards Du Nord - Berserk.mp3 (8.71 Mb)
59. Vali - Nordavindens Klagesang.mp3 (8.82 Mb)
60. Corvus Corax - Ragnarok.MP3 (19.61 Mb)
61. Faun - Odin.mp3 (15.7 Mb)
62. Krauka - Sigurd.mp3 (5.6 Mb)
63. Valkyrien Allstars - Reven.mp3 (6.73 Mb)
64. Fejd - Storm.mp3 (18.05 Mb)
65. Amon Amarth - The Last With Pagan Blood.mp3 (15 Mb)
66. Graveland - War Wolf.mp3 (20.47 Mb)
67. Wizard - Call To The Dragon.mp3 (8.59 Mb)
68. Heilung - In Maidjan.mp3 (30.74 Mb)
69. Wardruna - Runaljod.mp3 (19.43 Mb)
70. Krauka - Odinn.mp3 (8.21 Mb)
71. Ereb Altor - Twilight Of The Gods.mp3 (19.41 Mb)
72. Les Batards Du Nord - Vinland.mp3 (16.49 Mb)
73. Trevor Morris - Battle On The Beach.mp3 (10.06 Mb)
74. Amon Amarth - First Kill.mp3 (12.01 Mb)
75. Bathory - Ode.mp3 (16.81 Mb)
Default.txt (5.31 Kb)
image.jpg (2.04 Mb)
01. Blind Guardian - Valkyries.mp3 (16.91 Mb)
02. Bathory - War Machine.mp3 (4.9 Mb)
03. Hel - Thor.mp3 (13.62 Mb)
04. Камаедзiца - Валькiрыя.mp3 (9.09 Mb)
05. Aska - Valkyries.mp3 (13.17 Mb)
06. Berkerker - Odin.mp3 (8.12 Mb)
07. Black Destiny - Viking.mp3 (16.94 Mb)
08. Blood Red Eagle - Odin.mp3 (10.5 Mb)
09. Borgarholt - Thor.mp3 (20.66 Mb)
10. Prophanity - Awaiting Your Valkyries Arrival.mp3 (12.65 Mb)
11. Gumo Maniacs - Thor.mp3 (13.51 Mb)
12. Hellcats - Viking.mp3 (9.92 Mb)
13. Horde Thor - Odin.mp3 (7.85 Mb)
14. Karolinerna - Viking.mp3 (10.8 Mb)
15. Kickmotor - Odin.mp3 (9.66 Mb)
16. Konkwista 88 - Thor.mp3 (9.53 Mb)
17. Konstruktivists - Odin.mp3 (7.56 Mb)
18. Graveland - Into Death's Arms.mp3 (18.92 Mb)
19. Honor - Soldier Of The North.mp3 (5.79 Mb)
20. Loudness - Odin.mp3 (14.1 Mb)
21. Krauka - Islandsk Drikkekvad.mp3 (3.67 Mb)
22. Nachtfalke - Odin.mp3 (2.82 Mb)
23. Nightfall - Thor.mp3 (12.31 Mb)
24. Odium - Викинг.mp3 (5.36 Mb)
25. Stormheit - Channeling the Spirit of the Storm.mp3 (13.04 Mb)
26. Ymir's Blood - The Bleeding God.mp3 (13.96 Mb)
27. Honor - God Of War.mp3 (8.81 Mb)
28. Rabenschrey - Odin.mp3 (10.09 Mb)
29. Rebellion - Odin.mp3 (12.41 Mb)
30. Rebellion - Thor.mp3 (22.74 Mb)
31. Sonne Hagal - Odin.mp3 (6.46 Mb)
32. Sturmwehr - Odin.mp3 (13.47 Mb)
33. Urlog - Thor.mp3 (7.24 Mb)
34. Velvet Viper - Valkyries.mp3 (12.12 Mb)
35. Валькiрыя - Валькiрыя.mp3 (8.87 Mb)
36. Vlok - Мёртвый викинг.mp3 (8.24 Mb)
37. Волх - Пусть Светятся в Копьях Валькирий Сынов Моих Имена.mp3 (13.86 Mb)
38. Oriana - Зов валькирий.mp3 (10.7 Mb)
39. 08;15 - Odins Sohn.mp3 (18.15 Mb)
40. Elixir - The Pagan Queen .mp3 (8.3 Mb)
41. Noriko Kawahara - Odin Sphere's Theme.mp3 (5.18 Mb)
42. Thousand Year War - Warriors of Deceit.mp3 (11.47 Mb)
43. Hitoshi Sakimoto - Attic Archive .mp3 (7.5 Mb)
44. Masaharu Iwata - Tutorial.mp3 (7.27 Mb)
45. Hitoshi Sakimoto - World Map.mp3 (5.57 Mb)
46. Masaharu Iwata - Battle in the Land of the Dead I.mp3 (6.38 Mb)
47. Masaharu Iwata - Battle in the Land of the Dead II.mp3 (6.01 Mb)
48. Masaharu Iwata - Battle on the Snowy Mountain I.mp3 (6.77 Mb)
49. Masaharu Iwata - Battle on the Snowy Mountain II.mp3 (7.54 Mb)
50. Masaharu Iwata - Battle in the Land of the Devil I.mp3 (6.15 Mb)
51. Masaharu Iwata - Battle in the Land of the Devil II.mp3 (7.24 Mb)
52. Masaharu Iwata - Battle in the Forest of the Witch I.mp3 (5.84 Mb)
53. In Battle - The Rage of the Northmen.mp3 (12.27 Mb)
54. Kimihiro Abe - Battle in Fairy Land I.mp3 (8.27 Mb)
55. Manabu Namiki - Battle in Fairy Land II.mp3 (9.64 Mb)
56. Hitoshi Sakimoto - Battle in the Land of Fire I.mp3 (7.79 Mb)
57. Masaharu Iwata - Battle in the Land of Fire II.mp3 (7.48 Mb)
58. Kimihiro Abe - The Ruined Landscape of Nations at War I.mp3 (10.72 Mb)
59. Mitsuhiro Kaneda - The Ruined Landscape of Nations at War II.mp3 (8.41 Mb)
60. Kimihiro Abe - Battle in the Labyrinth City I.mp3 (12.3 Mb)
61. Mitsuhiro Kaneda - Battle in the Labyrinth City II.mp3 (9.14 Mb)
62. Odhinn - War Eternal.mp3 (5.06 Mb)
63. Folkodia - Born Of Thunder.mp3 (9.8 Mb)
64. Elixir - Born to Die.mp3 (15.4 Mb)
65. Elwing - Thor.mp3 (11.01 Mb)
66. Hazael - Thor.mp3 (12.01 Mb)
67. Valkyrie's Cry - Iron Sword.mp3 (6.34 Mb)
68. Legion of Thor - Legionen des Thor.mp3 (9.07 Mb)
69. Odin - Daydream by the Sea.mp3 (10.65 Mb)
70. Odin - Judgement Day.mp3 (10.73 Mb)
71. Odin Dragonfly - Waiting For The Snow.mp3 (8.86 Mb)
72. Odin's Court - Apollon.mp3 (3.55 Mb)
73. Nordwind - In Odins Reich.mp3 (10.39 Mb)
74. Thor - Let the Blood Runs Red.mp3 (7.32 Mb)
75. Thor - Cry of the Valkyrie.mp3 (7.03 Mb)
76. Thor's Hammer - May The Hammer Smash The Cross.mp3 (12.28 Mb)
77. Wizard - Sword Of Vengeance.mp3 (11.15 Mb)
78. Thor - Anger Ill.mp3 (6.46 Mb)
79. Wizard - Return Of The Thunder Warriors.mp3 (8.7 Mb)
80. Amberian Dawn - Valkyries.mp3 (9.83 Mb)
81. Wizard - Battlefield of Death.mp3 (8.86 Mb)
82. Thor - Now Comes The Storm.mp3 (8.52 Mb)
83. Anakron - A Vikingek Utra Kelnek (the Vikings Set Sail).mp3 (3.66 Mb)
84. Wizard - Death Or Glory.mp3 (10.91 Mb)
85. Nordwind - Twelve white horses.mp3 (10.24 Mb)
86. Thor - Battle Suite.mp3 (11.16 Mb)
87. Graveland - White Hand's Power.mp3 (13.61 Mb)
88. Heilung - Carpathian Forest.mp3 (7.74 Mb)
Default.txt (6.14 Kb)
image.jpg (1.87 Mb)
01. 08; 15 - Odins Sohn.mp3 (16.81 Mb)
02. Elixir - The Idol.mp3 (14.92 Mb)
03. Elwing - Holy Sword.mp3 (13.37 Mb)
04. Bathory - Blood And Soil.mp3 (5.27 Mb)
05. Valkyrie's Cry - Headless Horseman.mp3 (9.82 Mb)
06. Masaharu Iwata - The One Left Standing at the World's End.mp3 (7.63 Mb)
07. Masaharu Iwata - Valkyrie March.mp3 (6.17 Mb)
08. Nordwind - Nordwind.mp3 (5.38 Mb)
09. Thor - When Gods Collide.mp3 (10.18 Mb)
10. Amon Amarth - North Sea Storm.mp3 (13.28 Mb)
11. Masaharu Iwata - The Hero's Triumphant Return.mp3 (8.04 Mb)
12. Epic North - War Machine.mp3 (6.66 Mb)
13. Trevor Morris - Northern Lights (Entry To Kattegat).mp3 (6.95 Mb)
14. Richard Beddow - Choir of Valkyries.mp3 (8.38 Mb)
15. Deformed - Bloody Dreams.mp3 (9.15 Mb)
16. Odins Law - By The Hammer Of Thor.mp3 (11.63 Mb)
17. Absidia... In The Shadow - Valkyria .mp3 (9.96 Mb)
18. Enterion - Valkyria.mp3 (17.64 Mb)
19. Graveland - Following The Voice Of Blood.mp3 (14.48 Mb)
20. Wolfslair - Odin.mp3 (9.19 Mb)
21. Manowar - Die for metal.mp3 (14.1 Mb)
22. Wizard - Enemy Die.mp3 (10.44 Mb)
23. Odins Wrath - Arm Ripped Off by a Wookie.mp3 (11.93 Mb)
24. Shanachie - Odin Sphere's Theme.mp3 (10.37 Mb)
25. Eminence Symphony Orchestra - Odin Sphere's Theme.mp3 (5.99 Mb)
26. Geoff Zanelli - Gods Be with You.mp3 (16.25 Mb)
27. Hitoshi Sakimoto - Odin Sphere's Theme.mp3 (5.19 Mb)
28. Elixir - The Storm.mp3 (14.92 Mb)
29. Elwing - Blood On My Hands.mp3 (15.94 Mb)
30. Legion of Thor - Vater Odin.mp3 (12.6 Mb)
31. Odin - Life is Only.mp3 (27 Mb)
32. Odin - Over Your Head.mp3 (6.43 Mb)
33. Odin Dragonfly - How I Feel Today.mp3 (12.15 Mb)
34. Odin's Court - Ares.mp3 (7.69 Mb)
35. Nordwind - So wie einst die Wikinger.mp3 (8.73 Mb)
36. Thor - When Gods Collide.mp3 (8.78 Mb)
37. Thor - Hail Thor.mp3 (9.04 Mb)
38. Thor's Hammer - All We Need Is War.mp3 (20.85 Mb)
39. Wizard - Messenger Of Death.mp3 (14.85 Mb)
40. Trevor Morris - You Shall Not Enter Valhalla.mp3 (5.31 Mb)
41. Absidia - Valkyria.mp3 (9.84 Mb)
42. Nordwind - Twelve White Horses.mp3 (10.53 Mb)
43. Odin's Court - Hera.mp3 (5.28 Mb)
44. Geoff Zanelli - Killing the Beast.mp3 (20.34 Mb)
45. Thor - Warhammer.mp3 (6.32 Mb)
46. Johansson - The last viking.mp3 (13.76 Mb)
47. Lord Wind - Dance of War.mp3 (16.66 Mb)
48. Wizard - Dragons Death.mp3 (10.73 Mb)
49. Thor - Back for Blood.mp3 (8.36 Mb)
50. Wizard - Stolen hammer.mp3 (12.39 Mb)
51. Thor - Warriors of the Universe.mp3 (8.12 Mb)
52. Wizard - Warriors Of The Night.mp3 (12.2 Mb)
53. Bisson and The Vikings - Across the sea.mp3 (6.69 Mb)
54. Johansson - Valhall Scuffle.mp3 (14.67 Mb)
55. Kraftschlag - Walhalla.mp3 (10.34 Mb)
56. Lord Wind - Battle Hymn.mp3 (34.17 Mb)
57. Shelder - God of Vikings.mp3 (8.84 Mb)
58. Odin's Court - Hera.mp3 (5.28 Mb)
59. Legion of Thor - Seelenwinter.mp3 (4.88 Mb)
60. Bission and the Vikings - The wars within.mp3 (7.24 Mb)
61. Kraftschlag - Leif der Wickinger.mp3 (11.54 Mb)
62. Yggdrasil - Valkyria.mp3 (9.05 Mb)
63. Wizard - Thunder Warriors.mp3 (14.39 Mb)
64. Hazael - My Blood.mp3 (8.22 Mb)
65. Elwing - War.mp3 (9.82 Mb)
66. Epic North - Odin.mp3 (5.28 Mb)
67. Bestial Devastation - The Thor's Hammer.mp3 (4.72 Mb)
68. Funeral Dust - Thor's Hammer.mp3 (13.46 Mb)
69. Lemuria - Thor's Hammer.mp3 (13.81 Mb)
70. Oden - Hammer of Thor.mp3 (8.76 Mb)
71. Runenblut - Thor's Hammer.mp3 (10.56 Mb)
72. Uterus - Молот Тора.mp3 (8.19 Mb)
73. Virgin Steele - By The Hammer Of Zeus.mp3 (20.52 Mb)
74. Graveland - Battle of the Giants.mp3 (22.79 Mb)
75. Dethklok - The Lost Vikings.mp3 (12.17 Mb)
76. Halloween - Vikings.mp3 (7.49 Mb)
Default.txt (5.1 Kb)
image.jpg (2 Mb)
01. Kreator - Gods Of Violence.mp3 (16.2 Mb)
02. Коррозия Металла - Северные боги.mp3 (8.04 Mb)
03. Ancient Rites - Victory or valhalla last man_standing_.mp3 (11.64 Mb)
04. Bathory - Shores In Flames.mp3 (12.05 Mb)
05. Burzum - Heil_freyja_myzuka.mp3 (6.31 Mb)
06. Sons Of Ragnar - Ascend to Valhalla.mp3 (12.96 Mb)
07. Legion Of Gods.mp3 (12.47 Mb)
08. Enslaved - storm_son_myzuka.mp3 (26.82 Mb)
09. Pagan Hammer - Foreseeable War - Odin's Sign.mp3 (15.48 Mb)
10. Iron Maiden - Invaders.mp3 (6.53 Mb)
11. The Flight Of Sleipnir - Legends.mp3 (18.82 Mb)
12. Artharus - Balder, The God Of Light.mp3 (10.98 Mb)
13. Castle Way - A Shivering Sea.mp3 (15.88 Mb)
14. Crom - When Northmen Die.mp3 (22.16 Mb)
15. Ensiferum - Feast with Valkyries.mp3 (11.31 Mb)
16. Hedniger - Northman.mp3 (6.05 Mb)
17. Heidevolk - A Wolf in My Heart.mp3 (11.48 Mb)
18. Hildr Valkyrie - An Ode to All Father Odhinn.mp3 (15.47 Mb)
19. Last Legion - Beyond the Northern Waves.mp3 (12.66 Mb)
20. Mjod - Northern Pride.mp3 (11.04 Mb)
21. Skogshallen - fara_i_viking_myzuka.mp3 (3.95 Mb)
22. Varand Nord - Зов Битвы.mp3 (16.5 Mb)
23. Shield Breaker - A Warrior's Death Song.mp3 (17.19 Mb)
24. Seid - Valkyria Horizon.mp3 (17.57 Mb)
25. Sons_of_ragnar_vikingr_myzuka.ru.mp3 (17.23 Mb)
26. Hildr Valkyrie - March to the Path for Walhall (Outro).mp3 (8.19 Mb)
27. The Flight Of Sleipnir - Of Words And Ravens.mp3 (13.66 Mb)
28. Nattsmyg - Ghost Of The Sea.mp3 (16.54 Mb)
29. Sons of ragnar - Until_the_end_myzuka.ru.mp3 (12.25 Mb)
30. Pagan Hammer - Ode To My Fathers.mp3 (11.56 Mb)
31. Arthanus - Asgard Palace.mp3 (10.53 Mb)
32. Castle Way - Jormungang.mp3 (15.62 Mb)
33. Ensiferum - King of Storms.mp3 (13.91 Mb)
34. Hedniger - Pagan Fate.mp3 (13.49 Mb)
35. Last Legion - Battle of the Jotnar.mp3 (13.06 Mb)
36. Mjod - Воитель.mp3 (11.13 Mb)
37. Pagan Hammer - Norse Thunder.mp3 (19.79 Mb)
38. Shield Breaker - Jormungandr.mp3 (18.07 Mb)
39. Sleeping Woodland - Драккар.mp3 (14.91 Mb)
40. The Flight of Sleipnir - Draugr.mp3 (18.52 Mb)
41. Hugin Munin - Viking Brothers.mp3 (12.74 Mb)
42. Graveland - Dance of Axes and Swords .mp3 (17.92 Mb)
43. Tyr - By the Sword in my Hand.mp3 (12.89 Mb)
44. Graveland - To Die In Fight.mp3 (14.85 Mb)
45. Battlelore - Sword's Song.mp3 (11.24 Mb)
46. Midgaard - Битва.mp3 (12.3 Mb)
47. Arathorn - Ragnarok.mp3 (23.12 Mb)
48. Arthanus - Ode to My Enemies.mp3 (8.8 Mb)
49. Last Legion - Valkyria.mp3 (9.22 Mb)
50. Mjod - Гибель Богов.mp3 (10.37 Mb)
51. Shield Breaker - The Winter King.mp3 (16.54 Mb)
52. Sleeping Woodland - К северным морям.mp3 (13.35 Mb)
53. Norden - Blood On The Sky.mp3 (23.41 Mb)
54. Graveland - Dance Of Axes And Swords.mp3 (12.28 Mb)
55. Folkearth - Sons of the North .mp3 (15.31 Mb)
56. Crom - Hammer of the Gods.mp3 (14.25 Mb)
57. Shield Breaker - The Coming of War.mp3 (17.38 Mb)
58. Last Legion - Let Battle Come.mp3 (9.46 Mb)
59. Коррозия Металла - Нет пощады врагу.mp3 (6.77 Mb)
Default.txt (4.16 Kb)
image.jpg (1.85 Mb)
01. Les Batards Du Nord - Walkyries.mp3 (13.61 Mb)
02. Odin - One Day To Live.mp3 (7.85 Mb)
03. Odin's Court - Poseidon.mp3 (18.69 Mb)
04. Amon Amarth - Guardians Of Asgaard.mp3 (12.3 Mb)
05. Thor - Years Ago.mp3 (9.51 Mb)
06. Thor - Tale Of The Wolf & Warriors Of The Universe.mp3 (7.94 Mb)
07. Thor's Hammer - The Fate Worse Than Death.mp3 (29.74 Mb)
08. Valkyrie's Cry - Ride Of Sleipnir.mp3 (13.35 Mb)
09. Wizard - Army Of The Gods.mp3 (4.29 Mb)
10. Anakron - Harc Odin Es Tor Neveben (Battle in the Name of Odin and Thor).mp3 (6.98 Mb)
11. Boguslaw Balcerak's Crylord - Warrior's Moon.mp3 (11.06 Mb)
12. Elixir - Playing with Fire.mp3 (13.47 Mb)
13. Nordwind - Walhalla Ruft!.mp3 (8.82 Mb)
14. Wizard - Brave Warriors.mp3 (11.68 Mb)
15. Elwing - Call Of The Brave.mp3 (18.55 Mb)
16. Thor - Let the Blood Run Red.mp3 (10.15 Mb)
17. Wizard - Rain Of Death .mp3 (10.36 Mb)
18. Nordwind - Ein echter Wikinger.mp3 (8.27 Mb)
19. Thor - Back for Blood.mp3 (8.6 Mb)
20. Wizard - Thor's Hammer.mp3 (9.15 Mb)
21. Thor - Death march .mp3 (6.61 Mb)
22. Wizard - Iron War.mp3 (8.44 Mb)
23. Epic North - Stormcaller.mp3 (8.99 Mb)
24. Valkyrie's Cry - Valkyrie's Cry.mp3 (12.01 Mb)
25. Odin - Awakening Again.mp3 (8.18 Mb)
26. Odin - No Reason To Run.mp3 (7.13 Mb)
27. Odin's Court - Zeus.mp3 (9.52 Mb)
28. Thor - Odin's Calling.mp3 (4.25 Mb)
29. Thor - The Return Of Odin's Son.mp3 (8.16 Mb)
30. Thor's Hammer - Endless War.mp3 (11.74 Mb)
31. Alexandre Azaria - Letoile du Nord.mp3 (5.85 Mb)
32. Epic North Music - Take Me To Valhalla.mp3 (8.07 Mb)
33. Johansson - Winter Battle.mp3 (15.17 Mb)
34. Manowar - Metal Warriors.mp3 (7.6 Mb)
35. Lord Wind - Prophecy of the Norns.mp3 (19.5 Mb)
36. Odins Wrath - Stormborn.mp3 (5.84 Mb)
37. Wolfslair - Thor's Brudefaerd.mp3 (12.07 Mb)
38. Nokturnal Mortum - Valkyria.mp3 (26.2 Mb)
39. Graveland - Braid Of A Pride Valkyria.mp3 (17.82 Mb)
40. Alexandre Azaria - Les drakkars.mp3 (5.22 Mb)
41. Wizard - An Angry God.mp3 (4.28 Mb)
42. Anakron - Freya & Odin.mp3 (6.17 Mb)
43. Boguslaw Balcerak's Crylord - War Memorial.mp3 (16.97 Mb)
44. Epic North - Frozen Fortress.mp3 (7.17 Mb)
45. Trevor Morris - Vikings Set Sail.mp3 (4.65 Mb)
46. Odin's Court - Dionysus.mp3 (4.87 Mb)
47. Legion of Thor - Beginning of the End.mp3 (9.61 Mb)
48. Wizard - Believe In Metal.mp3 (11.26 Mb)
49. Odins Law - Ragnarok.mp3 (9.44 Mb)
50. Manowar - Blood Of The Kings.mp3 (12.66 Mb)
51. Bathory - Flash Of The Silver Hammer.mp3 (11.77 Mb)
52. Nordwind - So wie einst die Wikinger.mp3 (4.91 Mb)
53. Wizard - Hammer, Bow, Axe and sword.mp3 (11.01 Mb)
54. Trevor Morris - North Sea Storm.mp3 (5.17 Mb)
55. Epic North Music - Northern Lights.mp3 (7.98 Mb)
56. Manowar - Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors.mp3 (14.51 Mb)
57_Wardruna - Pertho.mp3 (7.51 Mb)
58. Thor - Flight To The Stars.mp3 (12 Mb)
59. Prussian Blue - Road To Valhalla.mp3 (11.18 Mb)
60. Alexandre Azaria - Les Vikings.mp3 (5.73 Mb)
61. Trevor Morris - Vikings Attack.mp3 (8.03 Mb)
62. Epic North - The Viking.mp3 (9.43 Mb)
63. Wizard - Death Is My Life.mp3 (10.48 Mb)
64. Elixir - Son Of Odin.mp3 (15.91 Mb)
65. Valkyrie's Cry - Viking Warrior.mp3 (12.37 Mb)
66. Elwing - Stormlord.mp3 (14.58 Mb)
67. Ancient Rites - North Sea.mp3 (17.06 Mb)
68. Odins Law - Forward into War.mp3 (10.21 Mb)
69. Amon Amarth - Thor Arise.mp3 (13.97 Mb)
70. Nordwind - Walhalla ruft!.mp3 (9.09 Mb)
71. Bathory - Bleeding.mp3 (11.22 Mb)
72. Odin's Court - Mountain Olympus.mp3 (5.66 Mb)
73. Thor - Anger.mp3 (8.34 Mb)
74. Kraftschlag - Nordwind.mp3 (11.24 Mb)
75. Skrewdriver - The Road to Valhalla.mp3 (8.76 Mb)
76. Blitzkrieg - Vikings.mp3 (11.39 Mb)
77. Enslaved - Kvasirs Blod.mp3 (20.24 Mb)
78. Amon Amarth - Father of the Wolf.mp3 (12.16 Mb)
79. Bathory - Great Hall Awaits A Fallen Brother.mp3 (21.2 Mb)
80. Nordwind - Nordwind.mp3 (10.73 Mb)
81. Thor - Viking's Funeral.mp3 (9.51 Mb)
82. Bathory - Hammerheart.mp3 (6.78 Mb)
83. Mario Nascimble & His Orc - Funeral - End Tittles.mp3 (7.63 Mb)
Default.txt (5.7 Kb)
image.jpg (2.25 Mb)
ВІКІНГІ (2282 файла)
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vol.27 (90 файлов)

vol.28 (78 файлов)

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vol.30 (85 файлов)

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